The Spiritual Waiting Room
Friday, February 26, 2021
Friday, February 19, 2021
The Spiritual Waiting Room
Friday, February 12, 2021
Valentine's Day
The Spiritual Waiting Room
Sixteen years ago I was teaching a Religious Education class and one of my six year old students asked me a question that touched my soul: "Mr. McNamara, how can I show God that I love Him?" It was one of those moments that you take the question home with you and let it sink in. This was the result of that immersion:
How Can I Show God That I Love Him?
He has touched my soul
With His grace.
It overflows.
My six year old heart
Knows the wonders
And the mysteries of His Love.
What can I give back
To a God who has
Given so much to me?
Everything I do and try
To do seems so small
When I think about what He has given.
My faithfulness can touch
Other hearts and fill
Other minds with that mystery.
My little way can make
Him known and make
His voice echo once again.
I cannot doubt my goodness
Because it is not really
Mine but His.
My heart overflows with
Gladness and gratitude.
I am loved fully.
Friday, February 5, 2021
The Spiritual Waiting Room
The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude Fasting Resist Evil Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...

The Spiritual Waiting Room Message Divine Inspirational Expressing Gesturing Communicating No Speech No Word Conveyed (picture ...
The Spiritual Waiting Room Message Angels Shepherds Proclaiming Glorifying Praising Behold Your Savior Comes Peace (photo and ...
The Spiritual Waiting Room Love Deed Truth Seek Boldly Confidently Paschal Mystery Within Us Remain (Photo and poem by Kathy McNamar...