Friday, November 13, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Divine      Inspirational
Expressing   Gesturing   Communicating
No Speech   No Word
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Psalm 19: 2 to 4

The heavens announce the glory of God, whose creativity the firmament declares. Day after day we can see the message, and night after night we grow in knowledge. No speech, no word, for the voice is so clear; their sound is evident through all the earth, their message goes out to every part of the world.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Kathy's photo captures a moment of reflection. I was amazed at the beauty as I looked out from the shore. 

The day was mysterious---a mix of sun and clouds. The light moved in and out on the water. It drew me in.

The psalmist speaks of the glory of God. That glory comes to us in so many ways.

Sometimes it is a subtle glory. It sneaks up on us when we are not expecting it.

We can be walking down the street and then we see a little child in a stroller. The child looks up at us and gives us a big smile. We see a look of joy and suddenly our heart is full.

That glory can also come to us in moments of awe. We look out at the water and we see those rays of light dancing on the surface. We feel like dancing ourselves!

We get the message. No words are spoken. No majestic voice comes out of the clouds. Yet the message is clear.

The message tells us that we are loved. We will be taken care of. We need not be afraid.

Our God has Blessed us with Beauty----this Beauty transforms us and makes us whole. It is a message for all. We can not keep it to ourselves but we feel called to share it with each person we meet.

We share it without words. We share it by our actions and by our caring as our God shares it with us.

We share it in Love.

1. What do the heavens announce to you?

2. How does the glory of God come to you?

3. What is God's message for you today?

1 comment:


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...