Friday, November 20, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Ritual     Banquet
Feasting     Celebrating     Nourishing
A Place of Blessing
( poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Proverbs 9: 1 to 6

Wisdom has built her home, she has built her seven pillars; she has cooked her meat, mixed her wine, and has readied her table. She has sent out all her helpers; she gives out her invitation. Wisdom is always with us and cries out from the highest points in the city: "Let those who lack knowledge come here; to any who are ignorant I say, Come and eat my food and drink of the wine I have prepared! Give up foolishness that you may thrive; grow in the way of knowledge."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


The picture for this blog was taken at our party in Ireland after Kathy and I had renewed our wedding vows for our 50th Wedding Anniversary. We were surprised and thrilled that so many of our family were able to come and celebrate with us.

As we gathered around the table, we shared many memories of those 50 years and how our love grew as our family grew. We remembered the experiences that helped us to grow closer together and to gain a deeper knowledge of one another.

As part of that meal our granddaughter, Emily, put a slide show together. We remembered so many great times and so many wonderful people, some living and some no longer with us, who helped us become the people we are today.

Our reading mentions that wisdom gets a table ready with delicious meat and fine wine just like the table and the meal we experienced that day. Wisdom is so nourishing.

It is similar to sharing in a good meal like the meal we shared that day. We take our time. We savor it. We enjoy some great conversation as we eat.

One of the observations that Kathy and I made later on that day  after our anniversary banquet was that we were surprised how long everyone lingered after the meal. It seemed like no one wanted it to end. The conversation continued long after the meal was finished.

A banquet experience where we encounter true wisdom is a real place of Blessing. We are invited to come also to the Altar and share in the Eucharistic Banquet. Jesus blesses us with the Bread of Life---He shares His very self with us. He is the Wisdom of God. 

As we gather around our Thanksgiving tables this year, it will be very different because of the COVID restrictions. Through all of these changes, however, we know that the God who is Wisdom will be there with us to help us to thrive.

God invites us to banquet with Wisdom.


1. What are some special meals that you remember?

2. Is there someone you turn to for wisdom?

3. What does the celebration of Thanksgiving mean to you?

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