Friday, November 27, 2020



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Wind-swept     Unbounded
Prophesying     Fulfilling     Bestowing
Let the Sea Resound
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:    Isaiah 42: 9 to 12

Look, the former things have come to pass, new ones will now begin; before they even come on the scene, I will make them known to you.

Let us sing to the Lord a brand new song, proclaim his fame from the ends of the earth; let the sea and all that is in it resound, the coastlands and all those who live there.

 Let the deserted areas and also the cities shout out, the towns where Kedar lives; let those who live in Sela rejoice, and cry from the mountain heights. Let them give praise to the Lord, and shout his glory in the coastlands.
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)  


Our reading from Isaiah speaks about the new things that will come. As a prophet he wants to prepare the people for this brand new song.

His vision is expansive----it includes those who live on the margins as well as those who live in heavily populated areas. It is a vision that breaks down all barriers.

The most impressive aspect of this prophesy is that it leaves no one out. It rings out from the mountains to the sea. 

So many times today we see people divided into groups. We hear of the liberal versus the conservative; the progressive against the traditional; the young battling the old.

We wonder about how these groups can be brought together. The message of the prophet tries to heal those wounds of division. 

It is a message of unity. The Lord wants to give us a song to lift us up---a song that resounds along the coastlands.

Kathy's picture reflects that song and that message. As we walk along the shore, we can feel the power of the wind and get refreshed.

As we look up at the clouds, we can see a glimpse of the light. God is assuring us that the Divine Presence is always with us.

That Presence is a song that sings within. It rings out along the coastlands. 

It is a gift that unites all of us. 

1. What is the new song that the Lord has been singing to you?

2. How can we overcome the division in our society today?

3. As you walk along the coastlands, what are some feelings that speak to you? 


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