Friday, December 4, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Intercessor Intermediary
Journeying Protecting Guiding
Raphael Means God Heals
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Tobit 12: 11 to 12

I will tell you the whole truth and conceal nothing at all from you. I said to you before, "We should keep a king's secret to ourselves but the works of God must be celebrated with great distinction." I brought your prayer, Tobit and Sarah, before God; and when you went to bury the dead, I put you to the test. God sent me to heal your daughter-in-law. I am Raphael and I stand before the Glory of God with seven angels.
(scripture adapted by John J. Mcnamara)



In this scripture story Raphael helps Tobit and his family who are facing difficult circumstances. Tobit has become blind and he needs to send his son, Tobiah, on a journey to get money that he has left in a far off country. Raphael successfully guides Tobiah on his journey and assists in the healing of Tobit's blindness. 

Raphael is a great sign to us of God's amazing concern for all of us. Kathy's photo of the Holy Spirit reminds us of how that concern can bring God's radiant light into the shadow times in our lives. 

 Our scripture also talks to us about celebrating the works of God "with great distinction". We have so much to celebrate----the works of God surround us every day.

One of those works is the work of prayer. Raphael talks about bringing the prayers of Tobit and his wife, Sarah, to God. It is so reassuring to realize that when I pray to God there is an angel who is helping with my inadequacies in trying to communicate with the Lord. 

 Raphael came as a healer. God takes such an interest in us! God sends angels to help us in so many unexpected ways. 

I think of all the angels in my life: family, friends, coworkers, teachers and students. 

I remember one experience in particular. We were driving home after our Christmas celebration with our car packed with presents. I was on the parkway and I suddenly noticed that there was smoke coming out from underneath the hood.

I pulled off and realized that we were in trouble. It was a cold night and our young children were in the car. Out of the blue a car pulled next to me and a man got out who knew exactly what the problem was. 

One of the belts had come loose and he was able to adjust it so we could make it home. As he drove off I thanked God for sending such a wonderful angel to help us get home safely on such a cold night.

 Those angels that God sends to us open our eyes and our hearts to God's healing and care!

1. How do you picture angels in your life?

2. What are some of the works of God that surround you every day?

3. In what ways does your faith challenge you and help you to heal?

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