Friday, December 11, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room


Glorious Marvelous

Astonishing Amazing Praising

You Are God's Masterpiece


(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Psalm 107: 1, 2,13 to 15

"Give thanks to the Lord who is good. The Love of God lasts forever. " Let those redeemed by God always proclaim this. When they were in need, they cried out to the Lord. God came to them and helped them in their troubles, leading them away from the darkness and the struggle with death. God broke those chains that bound them. Let us now give thanks to God for that grace and for the wonders God shares with us.

(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


What is your favorite painting? I can remember a trip to the Museum of Modern Art and everyone was gathered around Vincent Van Gogh's masterpiece Starry Night

No one could believe that they were so close to such a famous work of art. As I looked around at the expressions on so many faces, I could see the wonder and amazement. For many it was a special encounter with their favorite work of art.

The sunset above is another masterpiece. We look at it and it takes our breath away. The vibrancy of the color, the reflection on the water, the power and attraction of the light all combine to transport our spirits to a different place. We experience wonder. 

Can I be a masterpiece as well? Does God see me as a masterpiece? Am I even more valuable than Starry Night in the eyes of God? 

The psalmist speaks to us of the goodness of God and the eternal Love that God desires to share with us. With that Love God reaches out to us in times of darkness and struggle. God breaks the chains that bind us.

The chain could be a remark made in haste by a friend. It hurt us and caused us pain. Sometimes the friend who made the remark does not even realize the pain that has been caused.

God reaches out to us in Love. The chain is broken. We can experience wonder and gratitude once again. 

God created each one of us as a masterpiece and so we are. Could we have a more talented artist creating us? No effort is spared. Every detail is special. Each one of us unique. A masterpiece.

1. What is your favorite work of art?

2. Can you think of a moment of darkness and struggle where God reached out to you?

3. Do you consider yourself to be God's masterpiece?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...