Friday, December 18, 2020


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Cocoon     Immerse
Encircling     Encasing     Enveloping
Circle of the Earth
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Prayer Intercession:

Help all of your children, O Lord, and enwrap them in your faithful Love.
(prayer intercession adapted by John J. McNamara)


Kathy's picture came to her on one of our journeys. We were walking along the beach one day and Kathy looked down and saw this very different shell.

As she picked it up and looked at it, she was amazed at what she saw. It reminded her of a little child wrapped in swaddling clothes.

So many times she had wrapped our children and grandchildren in those swaddling clothes. It made them feel secure and loved.

In our intercession this day we pray for all of our children.

We pray for the children who are not wanted by their parents.

We pray for the children who are battling illness.

We pray for the children who are having challenges in school.

We pray for the children who are hungry---both those who are hungry for spiritual and physical nourishment.

We ask that all of these children who need help might be enwrapped in the faithful Love of God.

That faithful Love comes from each of us who keep our eyes open to the world around us. Through our concern and caring that Love comes alive in the children around us.

Their lives are transformed.

As are ours!

1. What do you see as you gaze upon Kathy's photo?

2. Whom are the children you are praying for?

3. Have you ever been enwrapped in the faithful Love of God? 


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