The Spiritual Waiting Room
A time to celebrate the love within
So much caring, so much giving
I am amazed at the gift
I wonder at the mystery all around
Jesus comes to be with me
He dwells in a simple cave
The animals surround the manger
The silence of that night overwhelms
Why does God choose to be one with us?
The Creator of the world chooses us
Our faith is challenged by Love
The Good News seems far too good
Angels proclaim a heavenly song
The music transcends my doubts
I sense a stirring in my soul
"Peace on earth" is the call
The shepherds come in hope
They know the simple calls
Hearing the voices of the heart
Amazed now at what they see
Mary holds a growing Jesus
Surrounded by animals in their home
She does not think of discomfort
She looks into the eyes of Love
Joseph supports his fragile family
He greets the shepherds as brothers
His dreams have guided his faith
He feels the fullness of Mary's yes
I gather with them in this night
To feel the oneness with the holy
Angels guide me to this place
Mary and Joseph lead me home
(Photo and poem by John J. McNamara)
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