Wednesday, September 2, 2020


 The Spiritual Waiting Room


Prudent Prophetic

Discerning Understanding Learning

The beginning of knowledge


(photograph and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:    Job 28: 20 to 24

Where does wisdom come from? Where do we find understanding? She is hidden from the eyes of all who are alive but God understands how to find her. God knows where she lives. For God is familiar with the ends of the earth and sees everything under the heavens. God speaks to all of us and says: respect for the Lord is wisdom and turning away from evil is true understanding.

(adapted by John J. McNamara)

We are all on the search for wisdom. We are surrounded by so much "instant wisdom" today. The wisdom of Twitter often seems to rule the day. After all, if we have a lot of "followers", if we are an "influencer" we are thought to be wise.  Yet these influencers can disappear overnight. Our tastes can be fickle. We can settle for what is popular and quickly abandon the hard work that is needed to find wisdom. This is why Job tells us that wisdom is "hidden" from our eyes.

We know from experience that wisdom does not come that easily. There are twists and turns. We can encounter some dead ends. Then we have to start over again. We know that God can be our guide and lead us on the right road.

True wisdom is prophetic. It challenges us to go beyond our comfort zones and to wrestle with our preconceived ideas. When we find it after our struggle, we hold on to it. Just as God knows where wisdom lives so, finally, do we.

We know it can guide us and help us through our difficult moments because God knows all of those difficulties. He knows "everything under the heavens". When we are confused or when people are putting us down, we turn to that wisdom and realize how precious it is. It leads us to respect God who is the source of all Wisdom. It leads us to turn away from evil, to find true understanding, and to embrace Peace.

For Reflection: 

1. How do you find wisdom in your life?

2. Why do we have so much "instant wisdom" around us?

3. When were some times in your life when you were challenged to go beyond your comfort zone?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...