Friday, March 12, 2021


 The Spiritual Waiting Room

Joyfully     Powerfully
Transforming     Saving     Healing
Be Saved Through Him
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: :  John 3:14 to 17

Jesus was talking with Nicodemus and said to him: "When Moses was in the desert, he lifted up the serpent to heal the people. In the same way the Son of Man will be lifted up so that all those who place their trust in Him will be saved. For the Heart of God was overflowing with Love for all in the world and gave His Son so that all who placed their trust in Him might not be lost and confused but that they might have Life forever. God did not gift us with His Son so that people would be lost but that all would be saved through Him."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


In this Gospel (the Gospel for the Fourth Sunday of Lent in the B Cycle) Jesus is having a conversation with the curious Nicodemus. In addition to being a seeker, Nicodemus was also afraid to be seen talking with Jesus so he came under the cover of darkness. He was from the ruling class at the Temple and he did not want any of his associates at the Temple to know about this visit.

Jesus is pointing out to Nicodemus what can happen when we lift something or someone up. He recalls a famous incident in the life of Moses (Numbers 21:9) when Moses mounted a bronze serpent on a pole and the people were healed.

Jesus tells Nicodemus that there will also be healing when He, the Son of Man, is lifted up. The term that Jesus uses for "being lifted up" actually refers to a glorification. 

Jesus has come not only to be glorified through His death and resurrection, but also to share that glory with us so that we might be healed of our selfishness and self centeredness.

It is so hard for us to look beyond our own worlds sometimes. I was reflecting on that as I was studying the new encyclical of Pope Francis, Fratelli Tutti.

The vision that Pope Francis presents to us is one that takes in all living beings as our sisters and brothers. It is the vision of Jesus.

Jesus came for all, to heal all, to embrace all. Such a challenge for all of us.

It is so easy to just think about our own situations and the daily difficulties and joys that we experience. Jesus calls us on our spiritual journey to embrace more and to reach out more.

We are reminded in this Gospel about why Jesus came among us. The Heart of God was overflowing with Love. God wanted to share what was most precious for God with all of us.

It is the way we feel when we look upon someone we love. We see goodness. We see kindness. Our heart overflows.

Kathy took the picture for this blog during a walk on the beach. She saw the cross with the name of Jesus formed from rocks someone had gathered. That person left it there for Kathy and others as a gift, a gift of Love.

Let us rejoice in the gift of Love we have been given and share it with each person we meet, especially those who are most in need of our encouragement and help.

1. How does Jesus share His Glory with you?

2. Why is it such a challenge for us to look beyond our own world?

3. When has your heart overflowed with Love?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...