Thursday, April 15, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Daily     Inspirational
Deepening     Sharing     Nourishing
Rain Down Heavenly Bread
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Exodus 16:4 to 7a

The Lord spoke to Moses: I will rain down bread from heaven for you. Each day the people will gather enough bread for that day. This will be a test for them. I will see if they follow my word to them.
On the sixth day it will be different. They will collect twice as much bread on that day.
Moses and Aaron spoke to the people and said, "At night you will know that it is the Lord who led you out of the land of Egypt; and in the morning you will see the majesty of the Lord."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


This passage from the Book of Exodus speaks of an amazing series of events in the journey of the Israelites from Egypt to the promised Land. As they were traveling through some rather harsh lands, the people were naturally upset.

Where would they get their food? Did Moses lead them out in the desert to die?

These, of course, are vary natural and normal concerns. It's great to be out of slavery but where will it lead. At least in Egypt the people knew what they were dealing with each day and they could adapt to it.

This journey was full of so many unknowns. It reminds us of our own daily struggles. We wonder what is going to happen in a world of climate change, global conflicts, a refugee crisis.

In the midst of this uncertainty, God tells Moses that the situation is under control. God will provide enough bread for the people each day.

Some commentators will point out that this is not really a miracle because there is a bread-like substance that grows in the area that the Israelites were traveling. 

The miracle is actually a miracle of faith: do we really believe that God will provide? Will my portion be enough for me?

We live in a world of contradiction. One third of the food we produce is thrown out as waste. Yet the United Nations estimates that 25,000 people (including 10,000 children) die from hunger and related causes each day (

God provides an abundance for us but for various reasons we have a problem in sharing it. In our passage from the Book of Exodus God seems to know that it will be hard for the people to just take what they need for the day. There seems to be an implication that we will want to take more than we need for the day.

That can lead to some not having enough. As Kathy's photo indicates "Give us this day our daily bread."

Is that enough for us?

1. What are some of the uncertainties that you (like the Israelites) have to deal with? 

2. Do you really believe that God will provide?

3. Why do we have a problem in sharing the abundance with which God has blessed us?

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