Friday, May 28, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room


Discrete     Knowledgeable

Examining     Reasoning     Choosing

Prudence Was Given Me


(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Wisdom 7: 7 to 12

As I was at prayer, prudence was given to me. I cried out and Wisdom came upon me. I valued this more than a scepter or a throne. 

I thought of riches as minor in comparison to her and I did not equate any valuable jewel with her.

All gold in comparison with her is like sand and silver is just mire.

I loved her more than health and beauty.

I chose her over light because her splendor never ends.

All good things came to me because of her and numerous riches from her hands.

I was joyful in all of them because Wisdom is their leader even though I did not realize that she was their mother.

(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara) 

This passage from the Book of Wisdom celebrates the importance of prudence. The author praises the value of this virtue which connects closely with Wisdom.

Prudence helps us to take the right path in life. So many times we are confronted with difficult choices.

It helps us to know when to speak to someone and how to phrase it in such a way that the person we are communicating with will hear what we are trying to say. 

We can all think of situations when we had to communicate some difficult news or something unpleasant. Think of a supervisor at work who has to let an employee go. No one wants to deliver that news.

Yet if we soften the blow in a compassionate way and express our disappointment in having to do this, it can make such a difference. We can communicate that the person was valuable but that we were forced to downsize.

Such an important virtue---a real difference maker in our own lives and in the lives of those we know. This is why the author can say that prudence is so much more valuable than gold or silver. 

All of the riches of this world are as "mire" in comparison to prudence. This is because prudence can transform situations of darkness and negativity into light and growth. 

Prudence shows us a path forward when we did not think there was one. Think of those who negotiate peace treaties. Where many thought war was inevitable, the skilled diplomat finds a way to bring opposing sides together.

The author even states that prudence is more important to us than health and beauty. Inevitably health deteriorates and beauty fades. Prudence, like all virtues, grows stronger the more we exercise it.

We know that we are being prudent because the author tells us that goodness and riches will flow from our prudent actions. Prudence leads to true joy.

The author compares prudence and Wisdom to a mother---a mother who knows us well and who guides us towards Love. 

Kathy found her photo this week as we walked at the beach. It is important to fight for the things that are meaningful to us and that we believe in. The prudent person does it in such a way that others join in. Wisdom from the beach!

1. How important is prudence in your life?

2. Who is the person in your life who most demonstrates the virtue of prudence?

3. What have you found to be the best way to get others to join you in fighting injustice?

Friday, May 21, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Birthday     Church
Breathing     Unlocking     Equipping
Receive the Holy Spirit
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: John 20: 19 to 23

It was the evening of the first day of the week and the doors were locked because the disciples were afraid of the Jewish leaders. Jesus came and stood right in their midst. He said to them, "Peace be with you." After He said this, Jesus showed them His hands and His side. The disciples were thrilled to see Jesus. He said to them another time, "Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, so I send you." And after Jesus said this, He breathed on them and said to them, "Receive the Holy Spirit. When you forgive someone's sins, they will be forgiven. When you retain their sins, they shall be retained."
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


Jesus comes to the disciples in the very same Upper Room where He had celebrated the Last Supper with them just four days before. The atmosphere on this night was very different. 

On Holy Thursday there was a sense of both celebration of a special meal and anticipation of what was to come. Now on Easter Sunday night there is confusion and fear.

Jesus knows exactly what He is coming into this night. He could have spoken words of reproach to the disciples. "Why did you all abandon me?"

Instead Jesus spoke words of healing. "Peace be with you." He calmed the disciples down.

 Jesus shows them His wounds. He reminds them of what He had suffered for them and for all of us as He witnessed to the mission that the Father gave Him.

He was faithful and that led to His suffering. The disciples react with great joy---they are excited and overwhelmed. Jesus is risen. He is with them again.

This time it is not about Jesus. It really is about them. Jesus will be "sending" them. He is not going to be staying with them and continuing His instruction. 

However, He will not be leaving them alone. Jesus breathes on them just as God breathed in the act of creating the world.

The disciples will be the New Creation. They will bring the gift of forgiveness to all through the power of the Holy Spirit. 

Jesus knows that those first disciples, like the disciples of today, will need the assistance of the Holy Spirit. There will be moments of difficulty and suffering. 

They will not be alone.
The Spirit will be with them. 

Come Holy Spirit!

1. How do you deal with the confusion and fear you encounter as you try to follow Jesus?

2. Where is Jesus sending you?

3. How does the Holy Spirit help you as you try to follow Jesus and bring forgiveness to others?

Friday, May 14, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Glorious     Everlasting
Inspiring     Guiding     Leading
Where Is The One
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Isaiah 63: 11b to 14

Where is the one who brought out of the sea the shepherd of his flock? Where is the one who placed the holy spirit among them? Who took Moses by the hand and led him by his glorious arm? Where will we find the one who separated the waters before them---winning for himself an eternal reputation? Who helped them to make it through the depths, like horses on the range? As cattle going down into the valley, they did not fall. The spirit of the Lord was with them . You led your people and you made your name glorious!


In our scripture passage Isaiah reminds us of all the amazing things God has done for the people. Sometimes we can take these for granted.

We are reminded of the time when God led the people through the sea during the Exodus. The people were enslaved in Egypt and the conditions were getting more difficult 

God called Moses to lead the people---to become the shepherd of the flock. It was a difficult challenge that Moses faced but Isaiah reminds us that God was with Moses every step of the way. God showed this by leading the people through the sea and to the Promised Land.

As the people were wandering in the desert, once again God was with them. The Holy Spirit was guiding them and they made it to the land that was promised to them.

This reminds us that God continues to lead us today. God does not turn away from us.

The people in the time of Moses faced a difficult challenge. The Egyptian authorities did not want to let the people go.

Moses placed his trust in God and God was with him and showed him the path to take. At times it seemed bleak and at times the people were upset with Moses.

Like us they wanted God to answer more quickly and they became frustrated. We sometimes ask "Where is the one? Where is God?"

God sent the spirit among the people as they were seeking the Promised Land. God sent the Advocate to help the apostles at Pentecost.

God has promised that we too will receive the Holy Spirit and the Advocate, the Paraclete, will lead us through all the depths that we encounter. 

God is the One.

God is always with us!

1. How does God lead you today?

2. Do you want God to answer more quickly?

3. When has the Holy Spirit touched your life? 

Friday, May 7, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Courageous     Spirit-Filled
Eyewitnessing     Preaching     Proclaiming
Carry The Christian Message
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   The Acts of the Apostles 8: 4 to 8

Now there were those disciples who had been scattered and they went out preaching the Word. Philip went to the city of Samaria and told them all about the Messiah. They all paid close attention to what Philip was saying when they heard him and also when the saw the amazing signs he was doing. Many were cured and unclean spirits came out of some and they were crying with a loud voice. Many who were paralyzed and crippled were also healed. The city was filled with joy!
(scripture adapted by John J. McNamara)


The disciples are losing no time in sharing the Word! They scatter all over the area and let everyone know about Jesus. They don't seem to be shy or intimidated after they experienced the power and gifts of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Such an example for all of us!

When we first think of scattered, we might turn our attention to our inability to focus. To be scattered for us might describe our typical day of going from one task to another.

The disciples scatter because they want to cover more ground. They don't just stay in Jerusalem with the early Christian community where they might have been accepted and comfortable. 

They show us that they are willing to take on new challenges for Jesus. As I reflect on that, I wonder "How willing am I to try new ways to bring the message of the Gospel to others?"

Do I get stuck in a rut and become reluctant to put myself in a situation where I might feel awkward and vulnerable? Many times when I have done that, it has worked out much better than I ever thought it would. Our God is frequently a God of Surprises!

Philip's preaching is accompanied by many amazing signs. I'm sure that helped his listeners to be more open to the teachings of the Gospel.

What are some of the signs that will accompany our witness to Jesus? Of course we never know, do we? We do well to leave all the signs in the hands of Jesus. He will take care of the signs!

I absolutely love the ending of this reading---"the city was filled with joy". What a great gift to leave to others when we try to share the Gospel. 

I always try to keep that in mind: the message of Jesus is Good News and it should lead all of us to a deeper joy. 

Time to scatter some JOY!

1. Do you find it hard to scatter for Jesus?

2. How do you feel when you are facing a new challenge?

3. What are some signs that have accompanied you as you tried to spread the Good News of Jesus? 

4. Have you found JOY in spreading the Gospel?


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...