Friday, May 14, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Glorious     Everlasting
Inspiring     Guiding     Leading
Where Is The One
(picture and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Isaiah 63: 11b to 14

Where is the one who brought out of the sea the shepherd of his flock? Where is the one who placed the holy spirit among them? Who took Moses by the hand and led him by his glorious arm? Where will we find the one who separated the waters before them---winning for himself an eternal reputation? Who helped them to make it through the depths, like horses on the range? As cattle going down into the valley, they did not fall. The spirit of the Lord was with them . You led your people and you made your name glorious!


In our scripture passage Isaiah reminds us of all the amazing things God has done for the people. Sometimes we can take these for granted.

We are reminded of the time when God led the people through the sea during the Exodus. The people were enslaved in Egypt and the conditions were getting more difficult 

God called Moses to lead the people---to become the shepherd of the flock. It was a difficult challenge that Moses faced but Isaiah reminds us that God was with Moses every step of the way. God showed this by leading the people through the sea and to the Promised Land.

As the people were wandering in the desert, once again God was with them. The Holy Spirit was guiding them and they made it to the land that was promised to them.

This reminds us that God continues to lead us today. God does not turn away from us.

The people in the time of Moses faced a difficult challenge. The Egyptian authorities did not want to let the people go.

Moses placed his trust in God and God was with him and showed him the path to take. At times it seemed bleak and at times the people were upset with Moses.

Like us they wanted God to answer more quickly and they became frustrated. We sometimes ask "Where is the one? Where is God?"

God sent the spirit among the people as they were seeking the Promised Land. God sent the Advocate to help the apostles at Pentecost.

God has promised that we too will receive the Holy Spirit and the Advocate, the Paraclete, will lead us through all the depths that we encounter. 

God is the One.

God is always with us!

1. How does God lead you today?

2. Do you want God to answer more quickly?

3. When has the Holy Spirit touched your life? 

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