Friday, August 13, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Lowly     Generational
Remembering     Proclaiming     Fulfilling
His Promise Of Mercy
(photo of a painting by Mariotto Albertinelli found in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 1: 46 to 50

Mary said: 

"My soul proclaims the power of God. 

My spirit finds joy in God my savior.

God has looked upon my lowliness as a servant.

From now on all ages will call me blessed.

The Awesome One has done great things for me.

God's name is holy!

The mercy of God flows from age to age for those who cherish God's message.


I think Albertinelli's painting of this scene says it all. Elizabeth is reaching out to Mary to reassure her. She seems young and scared.

Elizabeth is reaching out to her with love and compassion. She places her hand on Mary's arm and looks into her eyes.

Moved by Elizabeth's support, Mary is able to speak the words in our scripture. She gives praise to God and thanks God for the way God has honored her and lifted her up.

Mary shares the joy she feels in what God has done for her. There is a universal quality to this as we all reflect on what God has done for us and how God tries to lift us up as well.

Mary faced the most remarkable circumstances. She was to conceive a child in such an extraordinary way---through the power of the Holy Spirit.

We see this in our own lives. The Holy Spirit leads us to do amazing things. We look back and wonder "How was I able to accomplish all the tasks I did today?"
As God has lifted up Mary, so too does God lift us up each day. We can do amazing things because we reflect the power of God.

We are lowly but God takes our humble service and transforms it in ways that we do not know. So many times I have been thanked for something I said or did and I have no memory of the particular words or actions.

God's promise of mercy can be fulfilled in so many ways that are beyond our knowledge or understanding. Mary has experienced this but she is still filled with fear.

We all need Elizabeths in our lives who can point out how God is blessing us. Sometimes we just can't see it!

Our simple efforts are magnified through the awesome power of God. We reflect on what God accomplished through Mary and we are truly amazed.

God's Word dwelt among us because of her "Yes". She served God as a result of her trust in God's Promise.

God's mercy comes to us and fills us with forgiveness and peace. We realize how the very name of God leads us to holiness.

It is a message to cherish and proclaim to each generation: God is with us.


1. As you gaze at Mariotto Albertinelli's painting of the Visitation, what strikes you?

2. How has God lifted you up?

3. Who are some of the Elizabeths in your life?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 


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