Friday, October 8, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Soul     Spirit
Discerning     Reflecting     Receiving
Living Word Of God
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Hebrews 4:12 to 13

Brothers and sisters: The word of God is alive and effective, sharper than any two-edged sword, able to come between even the soul and the spirit, joints and marrow, and also to discern reflections and messages of the heart.

No creature can hide from Him, but everything is open and exposed to the gaze of Him to whom we must render an account.  


How powerful is the word of God?

If we think in terms of worldly power, we might answer this by saying that the word of God is merely a collection of books that we put on a shelf for decorative purposes. It has very little power.

There are no armies that it commands, no ships that it can get to sail, and no missiles or drones that it will launch. 

It contains a different kind of power. The word of God can change hearts, lives, and attitudes. It can lead us in new ways.

The word of God can heal the hearts of the wounded and revive the souls of the discouraged. It can motivate us to help those in need and to companion with the depressed and distressed.

A sword can do a lot of damage, inflict much pain. The word of God can alleviate suffering and inspire us to see the potential in each person we meet.

As we read the word of God, we can find much wisdom. A passage or a word can impact us greatly.

A great example is when St. Francis of Assisi read: "What profit would there be for one to gain the whole world and lose her or his soul?" (Matthew 16:26)

He most likely had heard those words before but they never really penetrated deeply. As he reflected on them, he realized that he was not rendering his life to God but he was just interested in the things of this world only.

That verse planted a seed in him. He couldn't stop thinking about it. He realized that all of the things he was doing----the drinking, the gambling, the fighting---were not really satisfying the hungers of his heart.

He began to discern a different way of life. He no longer wanted to just work in his father's business and make money and live a life of comfort.

He received wisdom in his soul and reflected on the word of God. The two-edged sword of God's word penetrated his spirit and he was a different person.

So it is with us. A passage that we have read many times suddenly comes alive for us and turns our heart in a different direction. 

All of a sudden the word of God makes sense to us. We understand it. We appreciate it. We live it.

We can not hide from God. 

The real question is: why would we want to?

Do we hide from those who love us?

We are invited to accept that Love as the flower in Kathy's photo has accepted it. 

We are called to bloom, to be transformed, to be loved by a Love beyond all telling.

When we live in that Love, true Wisdom will always be with us.

1. How powerful is the word of God in your life?

2. How has the word of God helped you in your faith journey?

3. Have you ever been impacted by a passage from scripture as St. Francis was?

4. Have you ever wanted to hide from God?

5. How do you find true Wisdom?

(scripture adapted, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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