Friday, November 5, 2021



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Heartfelt     Generosity
Offering     Self-Surrendering    Sacrificing
Contributed All She Had

(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 12: 41 to 44

Jesus sat down opposite the treasury and watched how the people placed their money into the treasury. Many wealthy people approached and put in large sums.

A poor widow also came up and she put in just two small coins worth a few cents.

Jesus called his disciples over and said to them, "Amen, I say to you, this poor widow put in more than all those others who contributed to the treasury.

They have all given from their excess wealth.

She has given from her poverty all that she has, her whole livelihood."


In this scene from Mark Jesus is sitting down near the treasury. This would have usually been where valuables were stored but the reference here is probably to 13 trumpet-shaped chests for offerings that were arranged around the walls of the women's court.

Jesus is observing those who come with offerings and notices a widow who humbly approaches and gives all that she has.

She holds nothing back. 


This unnamed woman has become a role model for all of us. When most of us give, we hold back enough for our own needs.

This woman takes a different path. She displays a total trust in God to provide for her needs. 

In doing this she becomes a treasury for us---a treasury of inspiration.

We admire her goodness and her devotion to God. She knows that God is in charge and God will take care of her.

She realizes that God does not hold back anything from us. God wants only to bless us.

In those situations where it looks like our resources will run out, we are called to trust in the providence of God.

That providence works through the generosity and stewardship of all of us. 

We know, for example, that there is enough food in the world to feed everyone but we also know that some people do not have enough to eat.

We are all called to do our part to make sure that food is not wasted and that it is shared with all. 

This widow whom Jesus praises shows us what sacrifice can accomplish. She is calling us to do more, to give more, and to be more.

Kathy's photo illustrates one response to this call. Many neighborhoods have come together to put up Blessing Boxes. 

People go to them and take what they need for their families and other families share what they have to keep the Blessing Boxes full.

These simple acts of caring can make a huge difference in the lives of those in need. 

This widow shows us the way!

1. Why is it so hard for us to completely trust in the providence of God?

2. What is your reaction to the example of this widow?

3. How do you feel about the Blessing Boxes?

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