Thursday, January 6, 2022


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Bruised     Unbroken
Grasps     Gathers     Glorifies
God Shows No Partiality
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Isaiah 42:1 to 4

Thus says the Lord: Here is my servant whom I support, my chosen one in whom I delight.

I have sent my Spirit to him.

He shall establish justice in the nations.

He will not cry out and scream.

He will not make his voice heard in the street.

A bruised reed he shall not break,

A smoldering wick he shall not extinguish,

Until he brings justice to the earth.

The Acts of the Apostles 10:34 and 35

Peter started to speak to everyone who was in the home of Cornelius.

He said, "I see now that God shows no partiality. Rather, in every land whoever respects God and acts with justice is welcomed by God."


Isaiah speaks of a special servant. This person is supported by God and chosen by God.

God loves this servant with a special love: God delights in him.

God loves him so deeply that God will send the Spirit upon him and the Spirit will give him strength and power.

That strength and power is necessary because the task that the servant has is a difficult one. This servant is going to try to bring justice to all the nations.

We all know what a challenging task that is. We look around us and we can see the discord and the inequities. We know about discrimination and prejudice. We read about the wars and conflicts. We hear about the refugees fleeing the horrors in their countries.

It is fascinating how this servant will accomplish this. He will not draw attention to himself but will do this difficult task with gentleness and  calm.

This servant reminds us of those who have worked for justice tirelessly and without resorting to violence. Those who follow this path choose a different way.

They bring justice with respect and kindness. They know it is a long struggle but they feel God shows no partiality---the justice of God embraces each person.

So they embrace each person and they act justly. Even those reeds that are bruised will not be broken.

They are welcomed by God.

1. How can we begin to bring justice to all the nations?

2. Is it possible to bring justice when we choose the path of the servant from Isaiah---the path of nonviolence?

3. Do you feel that the Spirit can strengthen you to work for justice?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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