Friday, February 18, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Goodness     Kindness
Loving     Giving     Forgiving
Lend Expecting Nothing Back
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 6: 27-28, 30a, 32, 35a, 36, 37b, 38b

Jesus said to His disciples,

"To you who hear I say, love your enemies, do good to those who are opposed to you, give a blessing to those who curse you, and pray for those who are mean to you.

Give to all who ask from you.

If you love someone who loves you, why should you get a reward? Even sinners will do that!

Rather you should love your enemies and be kind to them.

When you lend, expect nothing back. 

Be merciful in the same way that your Heavenly Father is merciful.

Forgive and you will be forgiven.

For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you."


In this passage from Luke Jesus is challenging His disciples to love at a much deeper level. Jesus knows that there are certain people that we all find it difficult to love.

We generally say that if someone treats us with respect than we will also treat them with respect. The problem comes when we encounter people who are mean to us, who make it obvious that they do not like us, and who seem to delight in giving us a hard time.

Jesus has a solution for us when we run into these people. 

If they are opposed to us, do something good for them.

If they get really angry and start to curse at us, just say to them, "I bless you."

If they are mean and cruel to us, just start praying for them.

This is a different game plan than the one to which we are accustomed. The usual response is to get angry at these people and to curse back at them.

Why is Jesus encouraging a different path? Jesus points towards our Heavenly Father who shows mercy on all, who offers forgiveness to all, and who never turns away from anyone.

Jesus tells us what true love is all about. It is not just an attraction or a good feeling. Love looks into the heart of the other and encourages the other to follow a path of goodness and kindness.

Love knows that we all have our faults and our good days and our bad days. Love knows that the person that I forgive today could very well be the same person whom I will need to ask for forgiveness tomorrow.

I always think here of the example of Jesus. On the cross while He was experiencing excruciating pain, Jesus said, "Father, forgive them. They do not know what they are doing."

If Jesus can forgive all of us, how is it possible for us to refuse to forgive someone who has hurt us?

As we measure our love out to others, Jesus is calling us to measure generously, to give generously, to hold nothing back.

1. How do you usually deal with people you find it hard to love?

2. Do you feel that the path Jesus outlines for dealing with our enemies is a practical one for you?

3. Does the example of Jesus help you to be a more forgiving person?

4. When you have measured generously and given generously to others, how has that affected you? 

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