Thursday, March 10, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Moses     Elijah
Radiating     Divinizing     Transfiguring
Old Covenant To New
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 9:28b-31, 34-35

Jesus took Peter, John, and James and went up the mountain to spend time in prayer.

As He was reflecting in prayer His face was transformed and His clothing became a bright white.

Then there were two who were talking with Jesus, Moses and Elijah.

They were there in glory and spoke of the exodus that Jesus was going to fulfill in Jerusalem.

A cloud came over all of them and a voice was heard to say, "Here is my beloved son. Listen to His message." 


Luke tells an amazing story about an awesome event. It starts out with Jesus desiring to spend some time in prayer.

An ideal place for Jesus to take some time for prayer is to go to a mountain where He can spend some time in peace and quiet. Jesus took three of the apostles with Him, Peter, John, and James. In a parallel with the Agony in the Garden, they fall asleep as Jesus prays and almost miss this spectacular event.

Jesus is transformed and has a conversation with Moses and Elijah about His mission. They talk about what is going to take place in Jerusalem.

Luke uses the term exodus to describe this. In the original exodus God leads the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt they had into freedom by guiding Moses and giving him the Law.

Elijah reminded the people about that Law and the promises that they had made to be faithful. After his death and miraculous departure by  chariot, the people were waiting for the Anointed One to come, the Messiah.

Jesus Transfigured is that new bridge leading to the exodus of freedom from sin and death. He shows forth His glory and His care for all people. His Love and self giving radiates for the apostles and for us to show the warmth of God's Love. We see that it is a Love that will not end.

That Love has come to dwell in us---to divinize us with its power to transform, renew, and energize. It is never absent from us. We can see it all around us.

We can sometimes think of this scene as the bridging of the old and new covenants. It also shows us the continuity between the covenants and indicates the importance of this bridge in taking us both ways so that we can appreciate the depth and beauty of God's Covenant with us.

God has made a promise. God has invited us into a relationship and has told us that God will always be faithful. Moses and Elijah are witnesses to that faithfulness, that commitment, that caring.

Jesus shows the full extent of that covenant. He leads us to an eternal exodus that will transform us in glory.

The Father affirms that covenant, that bridge, once again and invites us to listen to the message of Jesus. Kathy's photo reminds us that this message of care and concern is all around us.

The Bridge is beautiful. As we walk on it, we are invited to be transformed by the warmth of God's Love for us.

Enjoy your walk!

1. Why is prayer so important for Jesus?

2. To where does the prayer of Jesus lead?

3. Why does Luke use the term exodus in this scene?

4. What is the importance of the bridge going both ways?

5. Why does Jesus converse with Moses and Elijah?

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