Friday, April 15, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room


Holy      Sepulcher

Uncovered     Emptied     Risen

He Saw And Believed


(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 20: 1 to 9

On the first day of the week, Mary of Magdala went to the tomb very early in the morning.

It was still dark.

She noticed that the stone had ben removed from the tomb.

She immediately ran as quickly as she could to Simon Peter and the other disciple---the one whom Jesus loved.

She said to them, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb. We don't have an idea where they have put him."

Peter and the other disciple started out at once to go to the tomb.

They both ran but the other disciple was quicker than Peter. He arrived at the tomb first. He looked down and saw the burial cloths; but he did not go in.

When Simon Peter arrived, he went into the tomb. He noticed the burial cloths there. He also saw the cloth that was placed over His head. It was not with the other burial cloths; but it was rolled up in a separate place.

Then the other disciple went in. He had arrived  first but he waited. 

He saw and he believed.

They did not comprehend the Scripture that Jesus had to rise from the dead.


The tomb is at the center of this passage from John. Mary of Magdala is surprised to find it empty. She has come early to minister to Jesus. She loved Jesus and wanted to check everything out.

When she goes to tell Peter and the others, they come quickly and find the same thing. John tells us that they did not understand yet about the resurrection.

And who could blame them?

Yes, Jesus had spoken about it.

He told them that He was "the resurrection and the life". He told them that He was one with the Father.

They saw the Signs that He did.

However, this final Sign---the Resurrection---was so amazing that the disciples had a difficult time imagining that it could actually happen.

The empty tomb gave them the first big clue. If Jesus was not in the tomb, where was He? Why were those burial cloths left behind?

John tells us that the "disciple whom Jesus loved" saw and believed. For many of us that is what it takes---we want to see it with our own eyes. 

Jesus understands that and He sends us Signs. We see them all around us.

They are the resurrections that we experience through the acts of love and kindness that people share with us and that we try to pay forward to others.

We see it in those who try to work for peace and understanding. A simple act of kindness---like a group of senior citizens making Easter baskets for children who have been displaced because of war--- can touch the hearts of others.

Kathy's photo shows us an empty tomb; but it is a tomb with a bright light shining forth.

That same Light leads us to overcome the hatred and evil that Jesus has conquered. 

The tomb is empty.

Our hearts are full.

1. With which of the people in this passage from John do you identify?

2. Why was it so difficult for the disciples to understand about the resurrection?

3. Do you need to see to believe like the "disciple Jesus loved"?

4. What are some of the "signs of the resurrection" that you have experienced?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...