Friday, June 3, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Unconditional     Love
Receive     Witness     Transform
Your Sevenfold Gifts Descend
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 20:19-23

On the night of that first day of the week, when the doors were locked, where the disciples were gathered, because they were concerned about the Jewish authorities,

Jesus came.

He stood right among them and said,

"Peace be with you."

After He had said this, He showed them His hands and His side.

The disciples were all filled with joy when they saw this.

Jesus once again said,

"Peace be with you. In the same way the Father sent me, I will be sending you."

When He had said this, He breathed on them and said:

"Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive someone's sins, they will be forgiven. If you retain someone's sins, they will be retained."


The power of breath!

We experience that power every moment of our lives.

Our breath sustains us.

We are all concerned about the purity and safety of our air. We fight against pollution and support the Clean Air Act.

Jesus here makes a direct connection between breath and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit comes to us to give us life, to "inspire" us (literally to breathe into us), to fill us.

That breathing in shows us how deep the unconditional Love of God is. There is no holding back, there is no limitation, there is no hesitation.

God wants to fill us completely with the Presence of God.

After the disciples receive this breath, they are "inspired" to give witness. They are so filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that they want to share it and do so freely and passionately on Pentecost Sunday.

That feast on the Jewish religious calendar is celebrated fifty days after Passover and marks the Spring harvest. It is a time of great joy because the people can acknowledge the goodness and bounty of God and the land God has given to them.

Jesus is also giving.

To the disciples.

To us today.

The gift of life.

We will be transformed by the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit if we are open to them.

Those gifts will lead us to a life of Peace and the call to be peacemakers so that these gifts are shared with everyone.

Breathe in the Gifts.

Come Holy Spirit!!!

1. How has the Holy Spirit breathed New Life into you?

2. What are some ways you can share the "breath" of the Holy Spirit?

3. When have you been called to be a peacemaker?

4. What is your feeling as you contemplate Kathy's photo?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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