Friday, June 17, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Bread     Wine
Consume     Strengthen     Embolden
Fruits of Your Redemption
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   1 Corinthians 11:23-26

I received from Jesus what I have shared with you:

Jesus at the Last Supper took bread, gave thanks, and said,

"This is My body. Do this as a remembrance of Me."

Jesus took the cup in the same way saying,

"This cup points to a new covenant, a covenant in My blood. As you drink this, do it as a remembrance of me."

When you celebrate this, you will make known the death of Jesus through eating this bread and drinking this blood until He comes again.


How important for us all to remember certain great events.

We think obviously of the birth of our children, our wedding day, the first day of beginning a new job, or times of great celebrations of a feast day or an important family event.

Those great memories sustain us in difficult or challenging times (such as dealing with a pandemic). They help us to see the many great moments in our lives.

We reflect on certain moments and remember them with great joy. Other memories might bring tears or upset us---for example when we recall the death of a loved one or a time when we failed to accomplish a goal we had set for ourself.

Our scripture today from 1 Corinthians reminds us of a time of mixed emotion. Certainly the apostles and the others who were at the Last Supper were joyful to be together to celebrate this special Passover meal with one another.

Yet hanging over this meal was a cloud of uncertainty because the apostles and other followers of Jesus knew of the growing opposition to Jesus among the authorities of the Jewish faith. 

Certainly Jesus understood how they were feeling. He was ministering to them till the end.

Jesus wanted to be with them every single moment of their lives to give them the strength that they would need to meet the challenges that they would face and to heal the loneliness and loss that they would feel when Jesus left them physically.

Jesus left them His very self through the signs of bread and wine. He would always be with them.

And also with us.

We remember Jesus because He remembered us.

What a remembrance!

1. What are some of your favorite memories?

2. How do your memories help you in your hard times?

3. How did Jesus minister to the apostles at the Last Supper?

4. How does Jesus minister to you today?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...