Friday, August 26, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Table     Seat
Approach     Chose     Proceed
Humble Self Be Exalted
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 14:1, 7-14

Jesus went to have dinner at the home of one of the leading Pharisees on a Sabbath. Those gathered were watching Jesus carefully.

Jesus observed how they were all choosing their places at table and it moved him to offer a parable:

"When you are invited for a special meal, do not choose the place of honor. A more distinguished guest could be invited and the host or hostess might have to ask you to move to a lower place.

It is far better to take a lower place and then you can be invited to a higher one. When that happens, the others at table will look upon you with much esteem.

If you exalt yourself, you will be humbled; but if you humble yourself, you will be raised up.

When you throw a big party, it is much better to invite those who cannot repay you:
the poor
the crippled
the lame
the blind.

For you will be repaid at the time of the resurrection."


How do you feel when you get an invitation?

Many times it will depend on the circumstances: who is inviting you, what is involved, when will the event take place?

In a number of situations it is a blessing to get an invitation. We are excited and honored to have been included in the event. It means that someone is thinking about us and cares about us.

In our reading from Luke Jesus has received an invitation. It is interesting how Jesus observes the dinner. He notices those who want to be in a more prominent position.

We all have that tendency. We like to be noticed and to be next to certain people when we gather with a group. We can even be uncomfortable if we are not near someone we know.

Jesus, as usual, recommends a different approach. He advises us to take a lowly position; a place where we will not be noticed and, perhaps, where we will not know anyone.

On top of that Jesus advises us to invite those who are most in need when we throw a party. We are not to invite the rich and powerful but the poor and the sick. 

We are to reach out to those many in society would view as difficult and unattractive. Our invitations should go to those most in need. We are called to share the blessings that Jesus has given us with them.

Kathy's photo displays one such invitation to come for dinner. If you need a good meal, come here and we will serve you. We will exalt you and raise you up. We do not want a repayment.

We want to give.

As Jesus does.

1. What is the best invitation you have received lately?

2. Do you try to take a lowly position when you are invited to a celebration?

3. Is it a good idea to invite those who are most in need when we throw a party?

4. What do you feel when you look at Kathy's photo?  

Friday, August 19, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Entrance     Kingdom
Strive     Follow     Endure
Lord Open The Door
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 12:22 to 25a

Jesus was going through several towns and villages and was teaching the people as he traveled to Jerusalem.

One of the people asked Jesus, "Lord, will the number of people who will be saved be very small?"

Jesus said, "Strive to come through the narrow gate. Many will try to enter but they will not endure.

After the door has been locked by the master, will you stand outside knocking and saying, 'Lord, open the door for us'"?


How many will be saved?

This is a question that has been asked many times. Jesus is asked in this reading from Luke if the number will be small.

He replies by speaking about the narrow gate. He is telling us that we have to strive to get through that gate.

He is encouraging us to persevere through the difficult situations we might face. 

As we reflect on this reading, one thing is certain: we don't want to get caught outside with that door being locked!

So how do we avoid that?

Jesus encourages us to always give our best effort. So many times we are faced with the temptation to give up because we think our little efforts are not accomplishing very much. 

We can get overwhelmed rather easily when we think of some of the larger problems the world faces today. 

What can I do to stop world hunger, to end wars, and to eliminate poverty?

Jesus gives us the guidance: keep on trying to do your part and to help in whatever way you can.

It might not seem like much. You might feel like you are walking through a very narrow gate that might not lead to anyplace special.

However, Jesus will be with you to guide you and to lead you through that narrow gate. 

We are not alone on this journey!

1. How would you answer the question posed to Jesus: "Lord, will the number of people who will be saved be very small?"

2. What are your feelings about the narrow gate?

3. What do you see as you look at Kathy's photo?

4. Do you think your efforts to help others can make a difference?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Friday, August 12, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Spirit     Baptism
Endure    Persevere     Witness
Set Earth On Fire
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Prayer:   Collect for the Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

God, fill our hearts with the power of your Love so that we might attain all you want for us.
Your gifts surpass anything we could ever want.

Scripture:   Luke 12:49 and 50

Jesus said, "I have come to make sure that the earth is on fire. I wish it was on fire right now!"


Have you ever thought about what God wants us to attain?

We certainly are all busy trying to attain many things----a better job; a nicer home; more friends; justice in our world.

We fundamentally want to make our world better for ourselves, our families, and all our sisters and brothers in the world. 

Our Collect points us in the direction that will help us to attain what God promises for us: our hearts must be filled with the power of God's Love.

When this happens, there is no stopping us!

Jesus points this out in the Gospel of Luke. He tells us that He wants to set the world on fire. 

This reminds us of the story of Pentecost when the tongues of fire came upon those gathered in the upper room. They were transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit and were able to witness to the Good News of Jesus and proclaim that to everyone they would meet.

Jesus invites us to follow that path today and to set our world on fire with the power of God's Love. We do that by seeing where we can help those who are in need. We can reach out to them with our kindness and consideration.

We have seen this recently with how so many people in Poland and other countries have reached out and accepted refugees from the Ukraine who are suffering from the effects of a devastating war.

Jesus was in communion with God who filled Him with the power of God's Love. It is that Love which set the world on fire so many years ago and still sets the world on fire each day. It is that Love which came to us at our Baptism.

Kathy's photo reflects the beauty and power of our world as it is set on fire with the Sun. Jesus, the Son of God and the Son of Man, wants to set us on fire also.

When we accept that invitation to be set on fire, the blaze that comes from God's Love will transform us and our world.

1. What does God want you to attain with your life?

2. What can we attain when our hearts are filled with the power of God's Love?

3. Why does Jesus want to set the world on fire?

4. What do you see when you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Collect and Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Thursday, August 4, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Little     Flock
Faith     Courage     Vigilant
Where Your Treasure Is
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Psalm 33:12b

The people are blessed whom God has chosen to be God's own.

Hebrews 11:8

Abraham responded in faith when God called him to journey to a place where he was to gain his inheritance; he responded, not aware of his destination.

Luke 12:32 to 34

Jesus told His disciples: 
"Do not fear any more, little flock, for your Father will give you the kingdom. 

Sell all that you have.

Give to the poor.

In so doing you will provide a wealth that will never be lost.

Your treasure will be in heaven.

No robber can steal it.

No moth will devour it.

For where your treasure is,
there also will your heart be."


We all have choices to make every single day. We try to align our choices with what we believe, in faith, Jesus would want us to do.

Our choices flow from the realization that we see echoed in our reading from Psalm 33: we have been chosen by God. We are God's own.

An amazing thought to ponder: God actually chooses us! I can remember eagerly awaiting to find out which side I would be on when all of our friends from the neighborhood gathered to play baseball. 

When I was young and couldn't hit the ball too far and was a poor fielder, I was chosen last and put in right field. As I got older and showed more skill, I was chosen much earlier. When I was even older, I was the one doing the choosing!

No matter when I was chosen, I always felt good that someone actually wanted me. To imagine that God has chosen me is truly remarkable.

In the reading from Hebrews we have another example of being chosen---Abraham. He responds in faith and moves his family to another land because this is what God has called him to do. He has been chosen to be the father of a special people---the Chosen People. 

In the reading from Luke, Jesus is instructing His "little flock". Such a wonderful expression for the group that Jesus has chosen.

This little flock will have a treasure that no one can take away from them. It will never perish. It will never be destroyed. 

That is a treasure that we would all want! So many of us worry about our "treasures" being wiped out if the stock market takes a turn for the worse. The treasure that Jesus is speaking about is a different sort of treasure. 

It is the treasure that comes when we realize that we are Blessed by God because we have been chosen. It is a treasure of the heart. It is a treasure of Love. 

It is a treasure that lasts forever. 

1. How do you feel when you realize that you have been "chosen" by God?

2.  Do you ever feel that you are part of the "little flock" that Jesus has chosen?

3. What are some of your "treasures"?

4. What is your reaction to Kathy's photo?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...