Friday, August 19, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Entrance     Kingdom
Strive     Follow     Endure
Lord Open The Door
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 12:22 to 25a

Jesus was going through several towns and villages and was teaching the people as he traveled to Jerusalem.

One of the people asked Jesus, "Lord, will the number of people who will be saved be very small?"

Jesus said, "Strive to come through the narrow gate. Many will try to enter but they will not endure.

After the door has been locked by the master, will you stand outside knocking and saying, 'Lord, open the door for us'"?


How many will be saved?

This is a question that has been asked many times. Jesus is asked in this reading from Luke if the number will be small.

He replies by speaking about the narrow gate. He is telling us that we have to strive to get through that gate.

He is encouraging us to persevere through the difficult situations we might face. 

As we reflect on this reading, one thing is certain: we don't want to get caught outside with that door being locked!

So how do we avoid that?

Jesus encourages us to always give our best effort. So many times we are faced with the temptation to give up because we think our little efforts are not accomplishing very much. 

We can get overwhelmed rather easily when we think of some of the larger problems the world faces today. 

What can I do to stop world hunger, to end wars, and to eliminate poverty?

Jesus gives us the guidance: keep on trying to do your part and to help in whatever way you can.

It might not seem like much. You might feel like you are walking through a very narrow gate that might not lead to anyplace special.

However, Jesus will be with you to guide you and to lead you through that narrow gate. 

We are not alone on this journey!

1. How would you answer the question posed to Jesus: "Lord, will the number of people who will be saved be very small?"

2. What are your feelings about the narrow gate?

3. What do you see as you look at Kathy's photo?

4. Do you think your efforts to help others can make a difference?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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