Thursday, December 8, 2022



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Prophet     Exulter
Prepare     Repent     Regain
Make Your Hearts Firm
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures: Philippians 4: 4 to 5

Rejoice in God always; once again I say, rejoice. Certainly our God is with us!

Isaiah 35: 1 to 2a

The desert and the land that is all dried up will exult; the steppe will rejoice and bring forth new life. They will be in bloom with overflowing flowers, and rejoice with a song of joy.

James 5: 7 and 8

We must be patient until God comes. Look at the way the farmer waits for the crops. The rains must come in both the early and the late months. In the same way you need to show patience. Make your hearts firm because our God is coming soon.

Matthew 11: 9 and 10

"Then why do you go out to the desert to see John the Baptist? Did you want to see a great prophet? Yes, you did; but he was more than just a prophet. 

John was the one that the prophet Malachi was talking about: 'Behold, I am sending my messenger ahead of you; he will prepare your way before you.'


A messenger is here!

I just think of times when someone came to the front door with a message for the family.

A particular memory comes to mind. It was two days before Christmas and we were waiting for a package from Ireland. We had ordered a special coat for our son, Mark.

Kathy and I were disappointed that it had not arrived. The doorbell rang and our mail carrier was at the door with a big box and an even bigger smile. The coat had arrived!

We rejoiced at the good news. Our readings today speak of a messenger who will bring Good News---John the Baptist.

New life will come with this messenger. Land that was barren will now bloom with so many flowers and crops that we will not be able to count them all!

This will bring us so much joy that we will all start singing. It is the kind of joy that fills us so deeply that we can not contain it.

This deep joy sometimes takes time to develop. We have to have patience and stay the course. It is easy to give up hope sometimes and to feel that God is not with us and that things are not going well.

When we keep our hearts firm, we can see the messenger and hear the message. We can follow the path to truly find our God.

We can see God present in those around us who might need an encouraging word, a helping hand, or someone to listen.

The messenger is here!

It is time to rejoice!

1. Can you think of a time when you received an important message?

2.  What is your image of John the Baptist?

3.  How do patience and joy go together?

4. What is the message you get while contemplating Kathy's photo?

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  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...