Thursday, February 16, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Compassionate     Kind
Merciful     Pardoning     Healing
God Redeems Your Life
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Psalm 103: 1 to 4

Bless the Lord, my interior spirit;
and my whole self, give praise to God's name.
Bless the Lord, my soul,
Remember all God has given to you.

God has pardoned all your sins,
healed you of any injury.
God redeems your life from any harm,
showers you with kindness and compassion.


Sometimes it can be hard for us to remember all that God has given to us. 

We have been blessed with the gift of life. We are surrounded by a beautiful creation. We have many amazing people who try to educate us, assist us, and encourage us.

Yet when we face obstacles and challenges, it is easy to forget all we have been given. We focus only on the difficulty in the present moment.

It is good to take a step back from that difficulty and speak with God. We can give praise to the God who has gifted us with so much and ask for God's assistance.

God is always ready to forgive us and to heal us. God wants us to feel whole and strong. 

The psalmist tells us that God wants to "shower us with kindness and compassion". I think that is a shower that we are all eager to take!

God has come as Redeemer to let each one of us know that we are Loved with a Love that is infinite. It is a Love that will last forever and that comes to help us overcome the difficulties and challenges that we all face.

It is a Love that works through all of us when we reach out to others with empathy and understanding. It is a Love that comes alive when, instead of judging another person, we take time to listen attentively and to assist where we can.

Abba is a term of intimacy. It speaks to us about a God who cares deeply and completely like a parent who always has time for each child.

Kathy's photo shows us our God with arms wide open. Enjoy the embrace!

1. Why do we so easily forget what our God has given to us? 

2. Can you remember a time when God showered you with kindness and compassion?

3. How does God's Love work through you?

4. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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