Thursday, February 2, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Radiates     Shines
Witness     Illuminate     Glorify
Gives Light To All
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 5:13 to 16

Jesus taught His followers: "You are the salt of the earth. However if salt loses its taste, how can it be seasoned again? It has no use. It is just thrown out and people walk all over it.

You are the light of the world. A city that is built on the top of a mountain will be seen by all who are approaching.

People do not light a lamp and then cover it over.
They will put it on a lampstand so that it can illuminate the entire house.

In the same way you must let your light shine before other people. This way they will see the good that you are doing and give praise to God."


Get your lampstand ready! 

What good is a light if no one can see it? If you cover it over with a dark shade or put it in a remote corner of your home, the light will be diminished. The shade might look pretty or it might be in the perfect spot; but good luck trying to read a book with that light!

We all need to work on our lampstands. 

There is a great tradition in the Hebrew scriptures (Leviticus and Numbers) with regard to the lampstands. They are described in great detail and were fine works of art made by the best craftspeople. 

They had an important place next to the altar of sacrifice. The light that came from those lampstands reminded the people that God was always with them in even the darkest of times.

Many people are modest about letting their light shine from their lampstands. They think it might be bragging too much or drawing too much attention to themselves.

A careful reading of what Jesus is saying here puts that swiftly to rest. Jesus says that when people notice the good you are doing as you let your light shine, they will give praise to God and not to you.

The light from our lampstands comes from God. God has given us the gifts and talents that we use to make our world a more loving, kind, and just place.

It is not about us.

It is all about our generous and caring God.

Time to build that lampstand!

1. What type of lampstand would you like to build?

2. Are you bragging if you let your light shine?

3. Where does your light come from?

4. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?

(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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