Thursday, April 20, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Witnesses     Companions
Unknowing     Interpreting     Identifying
Their Eyes Were Opened
Resurrected Jesus
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 24: 25 to 31

Then He said to the two disciples whom He met on the road to Emmaus,
"How blind you are! You are slow to believe what the prophets told us! Didn't you realize that the Messiah would have to suffer and then enter into His glory?"

He began with Moses and then all of the prophets and interpreted to them the scriptures that referred to Him.

When they came to the village to which they were going, He seemed to be going on further. The two disciples urged Him, "Stay with us, for it is almost evening and the day will soon be over."

He went in to be with them.

As they were gathered around the table, He took bread, said the blessing, broke it, and shared it with them.

When that happened, their eyes were opened and they realized it was Jesus.

He vanished from their sight.


What does it mean to be a disciple?

A disciple tries to follow the example of Jesus. These two disciples that we encounter in the Gospel of Luke are understandably discouraged. Jesus has died by crucifixion and these disciples expected that He would be the Messiah.

As disciples sometimes are eyes become closed to Jesus. We can follow our own ideas about who Jesus is and what Jesus would do and where to find Jesus. 

Jesus points out where we can find Him.

The scriptures clearly point to Jesus. As we read the scriptures, we can find many passages that point to a Messiah who would suffer for us and lay down His life for us. 

We can wonder why the disciples did not understand this. Yet they had also seen Jesus perform many great miracles. It is easy for the disciples to focus on the power of Jesus and to overlook the scriptures that speak of the suffering servant.

The disciples were so impressed with the wisdom of this person they did not recognize in explaining the scriptures to them, that they wanted Him to stay with them and explain even more.

The second way that Jesus is made known is in the breaking of the bread. Jesus gives us His very self in the Eucharist. 

At that moment the eyes of the disciples are opened. They recognize the Risen Jesus in their midst. They eagerly share this news with the other disciples as they return to Jerusalem at once.

It is easy for us to be blind to Jesus in our midst. As disciples we are blessed to have the scriptures and the sacraments to open our eyes to Jesus.

Jesus does not want us to be alone as His disciples. He will be with us to guide us by the power of His Word and His sacraments.

1. What does it mean for you to be a disciple of Jesus?

2. Why do our eyes become closed to Jesus sometimes?

3. How do the scriptures and the sacraments help you to become a disciple?

4. What does Kathy's photo say to you?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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