Tuesday, May 9, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Alive     Love
Abide     Accompanied     Live
The Spirit Of Truth
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 14: 15 to 17

"If you love me, you will follow my commandments. And I will ask the Father, and God will send you another Advocate to accompany you each day. 

This Advocate is the Spirit of Truth.

Those who are closed to the Kingdom of God are not able to accept this Advocate.

They do not see the Advocate.

They do not know the Advocate.

You who are my followers know the Advocate.

The Advocate abides in you and will live in you always."


In our passage from John Jesus is trying to console His apostles. He knows that it will be hard on them when He returns to the Father.

He does not want to leave them alone. They will be facing a lot of hostility and opposition. How will they be able to survive this without Jesus?

Jesus is concerned about the apostles. He tells them that He will send an Advocate to assist them.

An Advocate, or Paraclete, is a term that is used to describe a defense lawyer---a person who would protect your rights when you were accused. Someone who could help you find justice and truth.

Jesus will send the Holy Spirit, the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, as the Advocate. The Holy Spirit will abide with the apostles and help them overcome the many challenges that they will face.

The Advocate is recognized by those who are open to spiritual realities. They are not distracted by temptations to power, greed, or selfishness.

The apostles have been following Jesus and have become open to the message of Love and caring that Jesus proclaimed. This message became part of their lives.

This preparation helps them to know the Advocate and follow the Advocate. They were not going to be alone. The Holy Spirit would abide with them.

The gift of the Advocate became a sign to the apostles of how deeply Jesus cared about them. We can all relate to this feeling---people in our lives who reach out to us and show concern for us touch our hearts.

The hearts of the apostles were open to the Advocate. They were ready to be transformed!

Come Holy Spirit!

1. Why does Jesus tell the apostles that He is going to send an Advocate to the apostles?

2. How can an Advocate help the apostles?

3. Why could some people not recognize the Advocate?

4. How did the Holy Spirit transform the apostles?

5. What is your feeling as you ponder Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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