Friday, June 2, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Gift     Grace
Mend     Encourage     Agree
Live In Peace
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   2 Corinthians 13: 11 and 13

Mend your actions.
Encourage each other.
Agree with one another.
Live in peace.
The God of love and peace will dwell with you.

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with all of you!


It is time to rejoice!

God wants to share the gift of JOY with us. It is a joy that comes when we encourage others and point out the good that they are trying to do.

This gift of joy can help us to build a world of peace. It is a peace that comes from our realization that God dwells within us.

We can all think of times in our life when we were upset or confused. When we realize that our God is with us and wants to help us with our burdens and worries, our concerns feel much lighter and more manageable. 

Our God comes to us with the grace of Jesus Christ. That grace nurtures us and gives us the strength to build peace by working for justice. Jesus is generous with that grace.

That grace fills us with the Love of God. That Love is a sign to all of us that God continues to reach out to us with care and compassion.

That Love of God dwells within us through the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. It is amazing, when we reflect on it, that our God desires to be in fellowship with us. Our God delights in us and loves to be with us each day.

Our God who is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit loves us completely and shares the grace of Trinity with us.

Kathy's photo reminds us of the peace symbol. God's grace comes to us to lead us to true Peace. 

It is a Peace that dwells with the Trinity and comes to us when we begin to accept how deeply and completely our God loves us.

Accept that Peace and spread it to all you encounter!

1. Where do you see the gift of JOY in your life?

2. How have you been strengthened by God's grace recently?

3. When have you found fellowship with the Holy Spirit in your daily life?

4. What does it mean to you when you think of God as Trinity----the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit?

5. How does Kathy's photo make you feel?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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