Thursday, July 27, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Image     Firstborn
Called    Justified     Glorified
An Active Creative Work
Divine Love
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Romans 8:28 to 30

All things work together for good for those who love God:

Those who are called according to the wisdom of God.

Those God foreknew, God predestined to be one with the image of Jesus.

Jesus is the firstborn among the sisters and brothers.

Those who are predestined have been called.

Those who have been called have been justified.

Those who have been justified have been glorified.


St. Paul is exploring the knowledge of God in this passage from Romans. It is a challenge for us to even begin to comprehend what God knows.

God knows all, so God has a complete knowledge of us. God's foreknowledge is based on the Love God has for us. We have been called into being through Love for God is Love.

The Love that God has for us is complete and total. It far transcends any love that we can generate. 

That Love leads us to be one with Jesus. He calls us to follow Him so that we might have a deeper experience of God's Love. 

God's Love surrounded Jesus every moment He was on earth. Jesus brings that Love to us.

As we contemplate the foreknowledge of God, we can rest in that deep Love. We can look into the eyes of God and know how wonderfully we are Loved. 

God wants only Love for us. God's foreknowledge smiles down on us with Love.

It is the feeling we get when we look into the eyes of someone who truly loves us, someone who "gets" us. 

We bask in that feeling, and we are renewed by it. Rejoice in the foreknowledge of God---a God who will never stop Loving you!

1. How do you understand the knowledge of God?

2. How deeply does God Love you?

3. How is Jesus calling you to follow Him?

4. How do you feel when you look into the eyes of someone who loves you?

5. What do you see as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John j. McNamara)

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