Thursday, August 10, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Wind     Waves
Believe     Unseen     Reach
Step Out In Faith
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 14: 24 to 31

The boat that the disciples were in was being rocked by the wind and the waves.

Jesus came to them, walking on the water.

The disciples were upset! They cried out in fear!

Jesus told them to take courage: "Do not be afraid!"

Peter asked to come to Jesus and Jesus encouraged him.

Peter, however, lost courage when he saw how strong the winds were and he began to sink.

He asked Jesus to help him: "Lord, save me!"

Jesus stretched out His hand at once and caught him.

He said to Peter: "Where was your faith? Why did you doubt?".


What do you do when faced with a bad storm?

I think we all try to be as prepared as we can; but sometimes we can be caught in a storm that comes up without any warning. That seems to be the case with the disciples in this story from Matthew.

To add to their fear, they see Jesus coming toward them walking on the water! I think everyone would panic if that happened!

You have to love the bravado of Peter in this story. He wants to come to Jesus. Unfortunately, his faith was not that strong and he quickly sank.

Again I think we can all relate. We want to follow Jesus but there are always obstacles: our pride, everyday routines and distractions, criticisms of others, our own addictions and demons, our fears.

The amazing miracle to me in this story is that none of that matters to Jesus. He just reaches out---AT ONCE---and helps Peter.

What a consolation for all of us who think it is all about our efforts and plans and dreams. It's really all about Jesus and trusting in Him.

Yes, storms will come. 

Jesus shows us here that those storms are no match for His Power----the Power of Love!

1. How do you cope with the storms in your life?

2. How would you react if you saw Jesus coming toward you walking on the water? 

3. Can you relate to Peter in this story?

4. What are the main distractions that you personally face in following Jesus?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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