Thursday, September 21, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Heaven     Faith
Seek     Call     Labor
The Usual Daily Wage
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 20: 1 to 2, 13 to 16

Jesus shared this parable with those who were following Him:
"The kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out very early to hire workers to help in his vineyard. He agreed with them about the usual daily wage and sent them out to work. After they complained about their wage, he told them that he wasn't cheating them. They had agreed with him on the usual daily wage. He said to them, 'What if I wish to give those who came last the same wage that I gave to you? It is my money and I can do what I wish. Are you getting upset because I am so generous?' For the last will be first and the first will be last."


In this parable Jesus is giving us an insight into what the kingdom of heaven is like. Jesus is inviting all of His followers into that kingdom so He wants to explain what it is all about.

Jesus chooses this story about a landowner who gives the exact same wage to all the laborers who worked for him that day---even those who only worked a very short time. Those who worked the entire day were naturally very upset with this. It seemed very unfair to them.

However, while they were expecting more, the landowner reminds them that he gave them the amount that was agreed upon. He did not cheat them at all.

How does this story relate to the kingdom of heaven? The word "generosity" seems to be the key here. 

The kingdom that Jesus proclaims is one of a love that goes way beyond our expectations. It is a love that surprises us. 

If we are trying to imitate the way of Jesus, we have to grow our love also. We see this today with people who spread caring by "random acts of kindness."

I heard a story recently about a man at a fast food restaurant who was on a drive thru line and noticed that the woman in the car behind him seemed upset. He decided to pay for her meal.

She was so moved by his kindness that she found him and they became good friends. He had noticed her in a difficult moment in her life and helped her to realize that there were others who cared in a world that can seem cold and cruel at times.

Love can transform hearts. The kingdom of heaven is a kingdom of unbounded and unconditional love. 

Enjoy the generosity of God's Love!

1. How would you describe the kingdom of God?

2. How would you feel if you were one of the workers who received the same wage as the workers who worked for a short time although you had worked the whole day?

3. How would you feel if you were one of the workers who received a whole day's wage although you only worked a short time?

4. Do you agree with what this landowner did in giving everyone the exact same wage?

5. How do you try to grow your love?

6. Have you ever been the recipient of a "random act of kindness"? If so, how did it make you feel?

7. Have you ever done a "random act of kindness"? If so, how did it make you feel?

8. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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