Friday, November 3, 2023



Spiritual Waiting Room

Nursing     Mother
Shared     Transmitted      Received
In You Who Believe
(photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   1 Thessalonians 2:7b to 8, 13

Although we could have imposed our authority on you as an apostle of Christ, we were gentle with you, in the same way as a nursing mother cares for her children. 

With such love for you, we were committed to share with you who believe not only the gospel of God, but our very selves as well, because you had become to us so dearly loved. 

You have received not just human words but the word of God which is at work in you who believe.


What a beautiful image for a Church community!

A nursing mother caring for her children.

This is what Church should be. We should feel that love and care for one another. Giving to one another. Strengthening one another. Helping one another to grow.

We gather together to share the word of God. We reflect together on the scriptures and gradually begin to realize the plan God has for us.

It is in that sharing of God's word that we realize the deep bond that unites us all. The superficial differences that seem to divide fall away because we are invited to lay down our lives for one another. We are called to serve. 

We can serve one another because we have been nurtured by the Love of Jesus and the love of one another in our Church community. We can accept each other, even with those many differences, because we have been accepted. We have been nursed on the pure milk of Love.

It is a challenge for all of us to create that type of Church community in which all feel welcome and included. No one is left out. 

We have a special call to reach out to those who feel excluded and who have felt the sting of rejection. We have to nurture them with the milk we have been given by Jesus.

It is the Gospel.

It is the Good News.

We all rejoice in it!

1. What do you feel when you see an image of a mother nursing her young child?

2. What is your image of the Church?

3. How important is sharing the word of God for you?

4. What is the bond that unites us all in the Church?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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