Thursday, December 28, 2023


The Spiritual Waiting Room

Holy   Purified
Imitate   Consecrate   Forgive
Put On God's Love
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Colossians 3:12 and 13

Clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience for you have been chosen by God.

Bear with one another and forgive one another.

If someone has done something to harm you, forgive them as God has forgiven you.


What are some of the elements that make for a good family?

We hear repeatedly about the importance of family values. There is much commentary also about the breakup of the family in contemporary society and how this has led to many problems for teachers in trying to educate their students, to an increase in poverty, and to more crime.

Our reading from Colossians gives us some ideas on how to make our families stronger. If we can practice more compassion, we can reach out to family members who are upset or suffering.

When we are kind to the members of our family, we begin to think about what we can do to help them. We want to do more to ease the burdens on our parents and siblings. 

Humility helps us to know our own role in the family, to accept it, and not to brag about our accomplishments or the actions we take to help others in the family. Our gentleness forges a path towards reconciliation and harmony in the family.

Patience stops us from complaining when things are not happening on our time schedule. From simple things like when we eat to more consequential decisions like where we live and the type of house we live in, we can learn the importance of waiting for the right time and respecting the schedules of others in our family.

As we work on these important virtues in our families, we know the need for strength to faithfully practice them. None of this is easy. Our reading gives us the key to following the path of virtue---we realize that we are called by God. We are not alone in building up our families and making our families holy and purified. God, who has called us, will help us strengthen our families.

If we want to bring joy to our families, another important element is our efforts to forgive one another. Yes, we want to work on the important virtues that Colossians mentions. Inevitably, though, there will be times when we fail to be as compassionate, kind, humble, gentle, and patient as we should. We all have bad days and times when we lose that patience and hurt others by our remarks, inaction, or lack of sensitivity.

When that happens in our family and we feel that one of our family members is being mean to us or picking on us, we need to practice the forgiveness that our reading celebrates. We forgive others in our family because we know that God has forgiven us. If we have been forgiven by God, how can we withhold our forgiveness from one of our family members?

It is that type of forgiveness that helps us to put on God's Love and spread true joy in our families and in our community. 

Inspired by the love in the Holy Family, we try to transform our families through putting into practice the virtues our reading recommends, forgiving those who have hurt us in some way, and spreading joy to each person we encounter.

A great recipe for stronger families!

1. What are the best ways to make your family stronger?

2. How have you had to practice forgiveness in your family?

3. Have you been inspired by the Holy Family to try to create more holiness in your family?

4. What do you feel as you meditate on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


Monday, December 18, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Prophetic   Writings
Reveal   Proclaim   Manifest
The Promises of the Lord
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Romans 16:25 to 26

To Him who can give you the strength to proclaim the message of the Good News, in unity with the revelation of the truths that were kept hidden for many ages but are now revealed to us in the prophetic writings and, according to the promises of the Lord made known to all nations to bring about the obedience born from faith.


Have you ever received a message that made you very excited?

I remember a phone call that I got one night from our son-in-law asking for my blessing as he was going to ask our daughter if she would marry him. I was so thrilled with this good news and so happy for both of them. I immediately told my wife when I got off the phone and she was so happy as well. 

Paul in this reading from Romans has an amazing message. It is a message of Good News. It is the message that Jesus has come to dwell with us. Jesus is fulfilling the promises that were made long ago. God will be one with us!

It is a message not just for us. Not just for a few people. Not just for the most intelligent, the wisest, the most talented, the richest, or the most influential. It is a message for all nations.

The Love of God is not limited. It comes to all who can accept the revelation of Jesus in faith. The prophets have prepared us for this message. They speak of the promise of God to send us a messiah, an "anointed one". 

We ask God for the strength to accept this message and to share it. It is Good News. We can not just keep it to ourselves. God is asking us to share it with everyone we meet.

We share it more by the way we lead our lives than by our words. We share it when we reach out to those in need and work for justice and fairness in our community. As Kathy's photo shows us the power of light shining forth, we are called to be the light in our world today.

We ask for the strength to be that light as we proclaim the message that the Light has come into the darkness at the Incarnation. 

The Light is with us.


1. Can you remember a time when you received a message that made you very excited?

2. What is the message of the Incarnation?

3. Why is the message of the Incarnation for all nations?

4. How do you try to share the Good News of the Incarnation?

5. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Thursday, December 14, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Rejoice   Rose Colored
Await   Prepare   Make Ready
Joy Of My Soul
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Isaiah 61: 10

I rejoice completely in the Lord, my God who is the joy of my soul.

The Gospel of John 1: 23

The priests and the Levites came from Jerusalem to question John the Baptist. They wanted to know who he was. He told them:

"I am the voice of the one who is proclaiming in the desert: make ready the path for Emmanuel."


Isaiah tells us that it is time for us to rejoice. We refer to the Third Sunday of Advent as Rejoice (or in Latin Gaudete) Sunday. We are rejoicing as Advent is drawing to a close and our celebration of the Coming of Christ is drawing near. Even the color of the vestments that the presider wears changes from purple to a pink rose color.

Our problem is that it is hard to rejoice when we are told to do so. We think of joy as something that happens spontaneously when we get good news. One of our cousins just won a large amount on some lottery tickets. It was hoped for but unexpected and she was definitely rejoicing!

What allows us to have that kind of joy? Isaiah answers it by telling us that our joy is in God. We all have a deep hunger for God. When we have truly found God, when we have experienced an intimacy with God, when we feel at one with God, our soul is full. 

When we feel that closeness, we rejoice always because we realize that God will always be with us---even after that money from our lottery winnings is all spent! We know that we can always turn to God and God will be there for us. It is a joy that grows deeper the more we turn to God, the more we listen to God and for God. 

Our eyes become open to the many ways God wants to come to be with us and inspire us. I was outside recently doing some yard work and I felt the peace and love of God all around me. The joy was overflowing! It was a Gaudete moment!

In the reading from John we encounter John the Baptist. He is being questioned by the "authorities" from Jerusalem. They are trying to figure out exactly who he is and what his mission is. It must have been a little unsettling for them to see many from their flock coming out to hear the message John was preaching and even more upsetting when they started to follow him and to be baptized by him.

His message is simple: he is going to prepare a way so that the people can come to Emmanuel---God with us. 

His message is just like our message. We want to lead people to Emmanuel. We have encountered Jesus. We have been touched by Jesus. We feel the JOY of Jesus. We are Gaudete People.

We all know that when we experience joy, we want to share it with everyone. Our cousin was bursting at the seams to tell us her good news about the lottery.

How much more are we called to be bursting at the seams to tell all about our God who Loves them with a Love beyond all description---a Love that will never end.

Rejoice in that Love!


1. How do you feel when someone tells you to rejoice?

2. How have you found intimacy with God?

3. Have you ever experienced a Gaudete moment?

4. Do you feel that you are like John the Baptist?

5. Have you ever felt that you were bursting at the seams to tells others about the Love of God?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Thursday, December 7, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Kindness   Truth
Prepare   Cry Out   Hasten
Justice And Peace Kiss
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Isaiah 40: 9

Climb up on a high mountain, Zion, herald of good news.
Cry out as loudly as you can, Jerusalem, herald of good news.

Psalm 85: 11

Love and truth will live together; justice and peace will kiss.

Mark 1: 2 and 3

As Isaiah wrote:
"Behold, I am sending my messenger before you, he will prepare your path.
A voice of one heralding in the desert: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make all his paths straight.'"


Our scripture readings speak to us of Good News. The news is so good that we are told by the Prophet Isaiah that we should go to the top of a mountain and proclaim it as loudly as we can. Don't hold back. Let everyone know!

What is the exciting message that we are called to share? Someone special is coming!

This person is so special that He will have a messenger that comes before Him and this messenger will prepare the people.

It reminds me of a wedding reception that I attended recently. The Master of Ceremonies introduced the family of the bride and groom, the members of the wedding party, and finally the bride and groom. All of the guests were prepared for their entrance. We were all clapping and cheering. 

This Special Person who is coming will lead us to a new reality as Psalm 85 describes. Love and truth are going to live together. These two profound realities can now shape our lives. There will be no more deception, no more lying, no more confusion. We will repent of our false ways and be guided by truth in the direction of love.

We sometimes hear people say. "I thought that I loved you until I found out the truth about you." In the world that Psalm 85 points towards, love is rooted in the truth. We share our love honestly and completely with everyone we encounter. We are heralds of the Good News that our God Loves us and that this Love fills our hearts and our souls and enables us to love others.

In a beautiful and compelling image, Psalm 85 tells us that justice and peace will kiss. This is a kiss that we all want to share in. We hunger for justice to be established for all so that we can have true peace. We have seen the disturbances that come when people feel that they are being treated unjustly.

We are called to be heralds that prepare the way of the Lord. We have been entrusted with the Good News. With that Gospel, that Good News, in our hearts we can work for justice and become peacemakers.

It is our time now to be heralds!

1. What is your Good News?

2. Have you ever been in a situation where you were called upon to be the herald of Good News?

3. Why is it such a challenge in our society for love and truth to live together?

4. What do you picture as you read about justice and peace kissing?

5. How have you been called to be a peacemaker?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 



  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...