Thursday, December 7, 2023



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Kindness   Truth
Prepare   Cry Out   Hasten
Justice And Peace Kiss
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Isaiah 40: 9

Climb up on a high mountain, Zion, herald of good news.
Cry out as loudly as you can, Jerusalem, herald of good news.

Psalm 85: 11

Love and truth will live together; justice and peace will kiss.

Mark 1: 2 and 3

As Isaiah wrote:
"Behold, I am sending my messenger before you, he will prepare your path.
A voice of one heralding in the desert: 'Prepare the way of the Lord, make all his paths straight.'"


Our scripture readings speak to us of Good News. The news is so good that we are told by the Prophet Isaiah that we should go to the top of a mountain and proclaim it as loudly as we can. Don't hold back. Let everyone know!

What is the exciting message that we are called to share? Someone special is coming!

This person is so special that He will have a messenger that comes before Him and this messenger will prepare the people.

It reminds me of a wedding reception that I attended recently. The Master of Ceremonies introduced the family of the bride and groom, the members of the wedding party, and finally the bride and groom. All of the guests were prepared for their entrance. We were all clapping and cheering. 

This Special Person who is coming will lead us to a new reality as Psalm 85 describes. Love and truth are going to live together. These two profound realities can now shape our lives. There will be no more deception, no more lying, no more confusion. We will repent of our false ways and be guided by truth in the direction of love.

We sometimes hear people say. "I thought that I loved you until I found out the truth about you." In the world that Psalm 85 points towards, love is rooted in the truth. We share our love honestly and completely with everyone we encounter. We are heralds of the Good News that our God Loves us and that this Love fills our hearts and our souls and enables us to love others.

In a beautiful and compelling image, Psalm 85 tells us that justice and peace will kiss. This is a kiss that we all want to share in. We hunger for justice to be established for all so that we can have true peace. We have seen the disturbances that come when people feel that they are being treated unjustly.

We are called to be heralds that prepare the way of the Lord. We have been entrusted with the Good News. With that Gospel, that Good News, in our hearts we can work for justice and become peacemakers.

It is our time now to be heralds!

1. What is your Good News?

2. Have you ever been in a situation where you were called upon to be the herald of Good News?

3. Why is it such a challenge in our society for love and truth to live together?

4. What do you picture as you read about justice and peace kissing?

5. How have you been called to be a peacemaker?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 


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