Thursday, January 4, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Light   Radiance
Guide   Behold   Follow
Seeking New Born King
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 2:9 to 11

After the magi from the east had met with King Herod, they started towards Bethlehem. They saw the star again that they had been following previously.

The star stopped over the place where the child was.

The magi were filled with joy as they saw the star.

As they went into the house, they saw the child and his mother, Mary.

They knelt down before the child and did Him homage.


What an amazing star!

The magi were guided by that star and were brought to Jesus.

In thinking about the journey that the magi made, we can wonder why they set about following a star? There are so many stars in the sky that we can ask why they would follow this one?

If the star was so extraordinary and so compelling, why were the magi the only ones who were following it? If Herod was so interested in finding this special Child, why didn't he go to Bethlehem?

This all speaks to a special characteristic of the magi: they were seekers. They wanted to find  someone who would bring meaning to their lives. They were people of great wealth (as evidenced by the gifts that they brought for the Child) and also great learning. 

Yet in spite of all that they had, they were still searching for more. This star indicated that something special was happening. It was not an ordinary star. The magi saw something different and compelling. They sacrificed much to follow this star. It could have even led to their death because of the jealousy of Herod who did not want there to be any rivals to his position and power.

This passage from Matthew raises many important questions for us: do we put our desire for material comforts ahead of our commitment to following Jesus? What are the stars that we follow in our lives? Where have those stars been leading us?

Jesus comes to make His Light known to all. It was not limited to just one country or one group of people or one religion. It is a Light for all of us to follow. It is a Light that leads us to live lives of justice and peace and to bring love to our brothers and sisters.

Jesus is our Star! 

1.  What are some of the obstacles that you face in following Jesus, our Star?

2. How des following Jesus lead you to Light?

3. Why is the Light of Jesus given to all people?

4. What are some gifts that Jesus has given to you?

5. What do you experience as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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