Thursday, March 14, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

New   Promise
Cleanse   Forgive   Renew
Draw Everyone To Myself
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Jeremiah 31:33

This is the new covenant that I will make with my people Israel says the Lord:
I will put my law within them and write it in their hearts.
I will be their God.
They shall be my people.

John 12:32

"When I am lifted up from the earth, I will draw everyone to Myself."


How would you like to become one with Jesus?

Our scriptures from Jeremiah and John show us the way.

Jeremiah speaks to us about a God who will come to us and write His law in our hearts. We will know God's Law so well that it will be inside of us. We will feel it. We will know it intimately.

All of us crave this deep, interpersonal, and complete knowledge of God. No more searching. God cares for us so much that God is within us.

John speaks about how this will happen. Jesus will be lifted up on the cross. He will be executed like a criminal. He will be humiliated and mocked. His closest friends will abandon Him. He will suffer terribly.

Through that lifting up, Jesus will draw us to Himself. He will show the depth of His Love for us. He will hold nothing back. He had the power to destroy all His enemies; but He chose instead to give us an example of a suffering servant. 

He showed us that evil can be overcome through suffering; good can triumph over evil; those who thought that they eliminated a threat to their power and position were defeated by the example of Love.

Jesus draws us to Himself through the power of His witness. The covenant is now in our hearts  because Jesus wants to be with us always. 

We are one with Jesus.


1. What does it mean for you to become one with Jesus?

2. Do you feel that you know God's Law?

3. How has Jesus drawn you to Himself?

4. What type of covenant have you made with God?

5. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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