Thursday, April 18, 2024


The Spiritual Waiting Room 

My   Father
Shepherd   Lead   Know
Lays Down His Life
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: John 10: 11 and 18

"I am the good shepherd. 

A good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

No one takes my life from me.

I lay it down on my own decision.

I have power to lay it down.

I have the power to take it up again.

This command I have received from my Father.


Most people do not like commands. We prefer discussion and dialogue. When we are commanded to do something, we often contemplate defiance. There is a feeling of resentment.

Jesus seems very calm about the command in our passage from John. We might wonder why Jesus is taking in stride the command to lay down His life for the sheep---for all of us. 

I think it has to do with the origin of the command. It comes from the Father. We see Jesus always in an intimate relationship with the Father. He frequently goes off by Himself to pray and communicate with the Father. 

The command He has received has grown out of His relationship with the Father. He knows that the Father will be with Him when He lays down His life for His sheep. This gives Jesus a sense of peace about what will happen.

The Father has also communicated with Jesus about His "power to take it up again". This must have been very reassuring for Jesus. The resurrection was always in view. 

We have a path to follow. If we stay in close contact with Jesus through prayer, Jesus will help us follow the commands that He shares with us. We know this will lead us to love more and care more for each other. 

Jesus laid down His life for us. He shows us the way. He tells us that we are never alone!

We have a Good Shepherd who always watches out for us!

1. How do you feel when someone gives you a command?

2. From where does the calm that Jesus shows come? 

3. Does your prayer life with Jesus help you to follow His commands?

4. How do you relate to Jesus as the Good Shepherd?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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