Friday, May 24, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Instruction   Command
Teach   Baptize   Adopt
Make Disciples Of All
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scriptures:   Romans 8:16 and 17a

The Spirit herself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God.

If we are children, then we are heirs.

We are heirs of God.

We are joint heirs with Christ.

Matthew 28:18 to 20a

Jesus came to the apostles and said,

"All power in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go and make disciples of all people. Baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Teach them to follow all that I have commanded you."


Have you ever been commissioned to take on a special task?

Maybe you were commissioned to be in the military, or to be a scout, or to serve in the medical profession. When the commissioning ceremony is over, you know that you are beginning a new phase in your life. Usually, you are going to be taking on new responsibilities.

You might wonder if you are ready and adequately prepared. You could be feeling some anxiety.

The apostles were in this position when Jesus commissioned them after His ascension. Jesus had prepared them for three years. He taught them. He prayed with them. They had frequent opportunities to see how He interacted with many different types of people at all levels in the society of His time---from the very rich to the poor and marginalized. 

Were they ready to follow His command?

St. Paul, in his Letter to the Romans, mentions and important element in measuring their readiness. If they truly realize that they are children of God and therefore heirs, they can gradually begin to know that God will be with them. A good mother and father will never abandon a child. They will do everything in their power to help their child succeed.

As the apostles accept their commission from Jesus, they will not be alone. The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will be with them each step (and misstep) on their journey. 

Each one of us has received a similar commission. Jesus asks us to proclaim the Good News---to let everyone know that God wants to share an inheritance of Love with each person.

God invites us to be heirs.

What an inheritance we are given!

1. Have you ever been given a commission?

2. What can you do if you feel nervous about a commission you have been given?

3. How did your parents help you to succeed? 

4. Do you feel that God is with you on your journey of sharing the Good News?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo of St. Francis?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

Friday, May 17, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Holy Spirit
Descending   Equipping   Filling
Tongues As Of Fire
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Acts of the Apostles 2: 1 to 4

It was the feast of Pentecost, and the disciples were gathered together. 

Suddenly there came a loud noise. It was a strong powerful wind, and it filled the entire house. 

Then tongues of fire came, and they divided and came to rest on each one of them.

They were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages as the Holy Spirit inspired them.


What is it like to be filled with the Holy Spirit?

This reading from the Acts of the Apostles gives us a clue. The clearest thing that happens is that when you receive an outpouring of the Holy Spirit like the disciples did on Pentecost Sunday, you are changed profoundly.

The disciples go from being afraid of being arrested to boldly proclaiming the Good News about Jesus. Talk about a change!

Jesus said that He would not leave the disciples alone. He wanted to send the Holy Spirit to them to strengthen them and assist them in their mission. 

The Holy Spirit comes to us today also. Jesus knows that we need help in our life every day. We have difficult choices to make and challenges to overcome. It is so consoling to realize that we are never alone.

I feel the power of the Holy Spirit in many ways: sometimes when I am teaching, I am inspired to cover something that was not in the lesson plan. I wonder where it came from; and I realize the Holy Spirit is helping me.

During the day many times the name of someone I haven't thought about will pop into my consciousness. I realize that it is the Holy Spirit asking me to reach out to that person.

There are times when I will be walking down the street and pass someone who seems upset. A kind word or smile inspired by the Holy Spirit helps the situation. 

Kathy's photo sums it up for me: the Holy Spirit helps me and all of us in our mission today just as the Holy Spirit helped the disciples on Pentecost Sunday to overcome their fears.

We can have some of those same fears: will people reject us when we try to reach out to them? The Holy Spirit can help us.

God is generous and the outpouring has never stopped!

1. How has the Holy Spirit helped you?

2. What are some of the fears that you have had to overcome to follow the mission of sharing the Good News?

3. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Thursday, May 9, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room


Accompanier   Jesus

Called   Chosen   Fulfilled

Counted With The Apostles


(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Acts 1: 24 to 26

The apostles prayed about who should take the place of Judas:

"You, Lord, know what is in the hearts of each one of us. Show us whom you want to take the place of Judas in the apostolic ministry."

When they gave lots to them, the lot fell upon Matthias. He was counted with the apostles.


The apostles here are faced with their first decision after the Ascension of Jesus. Judas is dead and they need to choose someone to take his place.

Two candidates seem to meet all the qualifications: they have been with Jesus since the time of His baptism by John; they have witnessed His teachings and miracles; and they saw Jesus after His resurrection. Which one should they choose?

The answer was simple: turn to God in prayer. Listen to Jesus for His direction. They were led to Matthias.

We are called to be the Matthiases of today. Jesus invites us to be His apostles---to spread the Good News.

The criteria is the same today. We read the Scriptures to accompany Jesus. We accept Baptism as Jesus did. We are committed to following the ways of God, to accept God's generous offer of Love. To say "Yes" to God.

We study the teachings of Jesus and become familiar with His mission to feed the hungry, bring Light to those in darkness, heal the sick, free the captive, and clothe the naked.

We witness the miracles of Jesus and His concern for those whom everyone else ignored and rejected.

We feel the power of joy in the resurrection of Jesus. 

Matthias was chosen after much prayer. We also turn to Jesus in prayer and ask Him to guide us in our apostolic ministry. 

Matthias was called.

We are called today to follow in his path.

We have been Blessed!

1. How do you spread the Good News as Matthias did?

2. Who are the people who are most ignored and rejected in our society today?

3. What is the role of prayer in the life of the apostles of today?

4. As you reflect on Kathy's photo, what do you see?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


Friday, May 3, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

One    Another
Live   Love   Abide
Remain In My Love
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   John 15: 9 and 16

"As God the Father loves me, so I love you.

Remain in my love.

It was not you who chose me.

I chose you.

I have appointed you to go and bear much fruit. 

That fruit will remain.

If you ask the Father for something in My Name, the Father will give it to you."


We sometimes wonder exactly what salvation is and how we achieve it.

The author of John gives us some good insights about this in a section of his gospel called the Farewell Discourse of Jesus. He is saying goodbye; but He is also giving His apostles some important instruction.

Jesus points out that if we want to be saved, we need to remain in the Love of Jesus. In the midst of the many distractions we face every day, it is important for us to remember that Jesus is always with us. 

It is so easy for us to forget this. We need to make a living and meet the demands of our employer. We face deadlines in our work. As students we have exams to take and papers to do. We come home and have to cook and clean.

 It can all be overwhelming, and we can sometimes wonder exactly where Jesus is in all of this and where our path to salvation can be found. 

As Jesus reminds us, we are loved with the same love that God the Father has for Him. In all of the challenges that we face each day, Jesus is there with us in each and every one of them. He is loving us through all of them.

Jesus teaches us that we are saved because He has chosen us. Sometimes we get this all wrong. We think that we have chosen Jesus. Jesus straightens us out: He has chosen us!

We are saved through the Love of Jesus. He has chosen us to be with Him forever. Our challenge is to remain in that Love, especially on those days when we do not feel like we are the least bit loveable!

If we remain in that Love, we can bear much fruit because we can spread that Love to each person we meet. We can let those who feel neglected, unheard, spurned, and ignored know that they are loved. We can spread the Good News.

Salvation has come.

We have been chosen.

We are loved!

1. What is your definition of salvation?

2. How do you think you will achieve salvation?

3. How do you try to remain in Jesus?

4. Why has Jesus chosen you?

5. As you reflect on your life, what are some of the fruits that you have borne?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Lent Solitude   Fasting Resist   Evil   Temptations Cling To His Word Deliverance (Photo and poem by Kathy McNa...