Thursday, May 9, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room


Accompanier   Jesus

Called   Chosen   Fulfilled

Counted With The Apostles


(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:  Acts 1: 24 to 26

The apostles prayed about who should take the place of Judas:

"You, Lord, know what is in the hearts of each one of us. Show us whom you want to take the place of Judas in the apostolic ministry."

When they gave lots to them, the lot fell upon Matthias. He was counted with the apostles.


The apostles here are faced with their first decision after the Ascension of Jesus. Judas is dead and they need to choose someone to take his place.

Two candidates seem to meet all the qualifications: they have been with Jesus since the time of His baptism by John; they have witnessed His teachings and miracles; and they saw Jesus after His resurrection. Which one should they choose?

The answer was simple: turn to God in prayer. Listen to Jesus for His direction. They were led to Matthias.

We are called to be the Matthiases of today. Jesus invites us to be His apostles---to spread the Good News.

The criteria is the same today. We read the Scriptures to accompany Jesus. We accept Baptism as Jesus did. We are committed to following the ways of God, to accept God's generous offer of Love. To say "Yes" to God.

We study the teachings of Jesus and become familiar with His mission to feed the hungry, bring Light to those in darkness, heal the sick, free the captive, and clothe the naked.

We witness the miracles of Jesus and His concern for those whom everyone else ignored and rejected.

We feel the power of joy in the resurrection of Jesus. 

Matthias was chosen after much prayer. We also turn to Jesus in prayer and ask Him to guide us in our apostolic ministry. 

Matthias was called.

We are called today to follow in his path.

We have been Blessed!

1. How do you spread the Good News as Matthias did?

2. Who are the people who are most ignored and rejected in our society today?

3. What is the role of prayer in the life of the apostles of today?

4. As you reflect on Kathy's photo, what do you see?

(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)


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