Friday, June 28, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Afflicted   Believers
Touch   Heal   Cures
Your Faith Saved You
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 5:25; 27 to 29; 34; 41 and 42

A woman had been suffering with hemorrhages for twelve years. She had heard many stories about Jesus and came up to Jesus and touched His cloak. She thought that if she touched His cloak that she would be cured. Immediately the flow of blood dried up and she felt that she was healed of her affliction. 

Jesus said to her, "Daughter, your faith has made you whole. Go in peace and be healed of your affliction."

Jesus then continued to the house of Jairus and came to where his daughter had died. He took the child by her hand and said to her. "Talitha koum," which means, "Little girl, arise." The girl, who was twelve, arose immediately and walked around.


There is something special about the relationship between a father and his daughters. In our reading from Mark, Jesus refers to the two women who are healed as His daughters. 

It is amazing to think how close Jesus felt to these two women. His Love for them was so deep that He thought of them as daughters. They were family.

I am blessed to have two daughters. As a father I always have the desire to make sure that my daughters are safe and doing well. I want to see that they are thriving.

Jesus brings that same attitude to these two women---one who is older and another who is just twelve. Jesus wants to make sure that they are both healed and doing well.

He recognizes the faith of the woman who had been bleeding for many years. She did not want to draw any attention to herself or her illness. She believed that Jesus was special. She had heard about all the healings he had done. 

She felt all she had to do was touch His cloak and she would be healed. What faith she had! Jesus saw that and admired it. She was His daughter and He loved her.

The twelve-year-old child, Talitha, is dead. Her father seeks the help of Jesus. As a father he cannot accept her death. He knows that it is not natural for a child to die before the parents. He also is a person of faith, and he seeks out the help of Jesus.

Jesus feels this man's pain. He goes to help and brings her back to life. Everyone who witnesses this is astonished. Again, we see the power of faith in Jesus.

The depth of the Love that Jesus has for us is truly amazing. I get a small glimpse of it as I think of my daughters. I marvel at what both of them have accomplished and what wonderful persons they are and how much love and care they have for their children. I feel a strong connection to them and admire them.

The marvelous thing about Jesus is that He feels that love and more for all of us. He considers us to be His daughters and sons. He wants to heal us and to embrace us with His unconditional Love.

If we are able to overcome our hesitation and doubt and to reach out to Jesus in faith, He will fill us with that Love. 

Welcome to the Family!

It's time to arise!

1. Why is the relationship between a father and his daughter so special?

2. What power in your life has come from your faith in Jesus?

3. How do you feel when you think of yourself as a daughter or son of Jesus?

4. Why do we have a tendency to doubt that Jesus can love us?

5. What emotion do you feel as you look at Kathy's photo of a day at the beach with two of her granddaughters?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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