Thursday, June 13, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Hearts     Mind
Plant     Hope     Prayer
The Kingdom of God
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 4:26 and 27

Jesus said, "The Kingdom of God is similar to a person who scatters seed on soil that has been well prepared.

At night that person is sleeping comfortably, and the seed is growing.

How does that happen?"


Did you ever wonder how that seed grows and becomes a crop that we can harvest and turn into food?

One of the keys is to have good soil. In another parable Jesus talks about the soil that falls on rocky ground and does not mature. 

In a similar way we have to prepare our hearts and mind to receive the Word of God. If we are closed (if our soil is poor), the Gospel cannot take root in us.

I had a marvelous experience of good soil recently when I was blessed to attend the graduation of our oldest grandchild from high school. She thrived in her high school and took advantage of every opportunity that was offered to her in terms of course selection, clubs to join, and athletic teams. 

Her soil was prepared by two loving and involved parents who encouraged her, drove her to many activities, were always present for her performances and competitions, and who prayed with her and for her.

That soil produced much fruit and led to an individual who touched the lives of many in her community. As I witnessed that growth over the years, I could see the soil getting richer and richer.

It takes a lot of work and time. It takes patience and perseverance. Each day becomes a small step to a rich harvest. As you go through each day, you wonder if all of the effort is worth it.

Then you see the result and you thank God for the wisdom and strength that God so richly gives. We are building the Kingdom of God.

It is a Kingdom where all are accepted, where all are invited to flourish, and where the harvest will be rich.

I know.

I saw it and felt it that night.

The soil yielded a wonderful harvest!

1. How is the soil of your heart and mind?

2. Who has helped to prepare your soil?

3. Have you helped to prepare the soil of the heart and mind of someone you love?

4. Where have you seen the Kingdom of God flourishing?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara) 

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