Sunday, June 2, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Old   New
Passover   Eat   Drink
This Is My Blood
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 14:24

Jesus said to those gathered for the Passover Meal, "This is my blood of the covenant which will be shed for many."


Transitions can be a challenge. Going from high school to college presents many new opportunities. Students who are residents at the college might be living away from home for the first time. It can be a big adjustment to share a room with someone whom you don't really know. The courses can be extremely demanding as well.

Leaving college and starting a new job is also full of many unknowns. How will the people in my new job accept me? Will I enjoy the job? Do I have the right skill set for this position?

Jesus invites the apostles and those who were accompanying Him to a transition moment in our passage from Mark. As He celebrates the Passover with them, He invites them to drink of the blood of the covenant---His very self which will be given in sacrifice for them.

Jesus wants to be present with them in a special way. He wants to sustain them and strengthen them as they face their transitions, especially now that He will be facing His death, resurrection and ascension and no longer be among them as He has been.

He gives them and us today the gift of the Eucharist. It is a meal that is rooted in the covenant that God made with Abraham, Issac, Jacob, and Moses. It is a meal that celebrates the faithfulness of God to the promise that God made: "I will be your God and you will be My people." It is a promise that is old and ever new. 

It is a gift given in Love. It is a gift that Jesus wants us to experience every day. He knows about the challenges that we face because Jesus faced them also. 

He was misunderstood.

He was rejected.

He was mocked and faced humiliation.

His body and blood given for us help us to overcome these and many other obstacles.

The Gift is given.

We are loved!

1. What are some of the most challenging transitions that you have faced in your life?

2. Do you think it was difficult for the apostles to accept the transition moment of the Eucharist at the Last Supper?

3. Why has Jesus given us the gift of the Eucharist?

4. What do you experience as you look at Kathy's photo?
 (Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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