Saturday, August 31, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Word   Truth
Change   Transform   Convert
Be Doers of the Word
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:    James 1:17-18, 21b, 22

Every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no alteration or shadow caused by change. 

God desired to give us new life by the word of truth.

Humbly welcome the word that has been planted in you and saves you.

We become the first fruits of God's creation.

Be doers of the word and not just hearers. This way you will not delude yourself.


What do you want to become?

The reading from James answers that question. We can become the first fruits of God's creation. Imagine that! 

The first fruits are always special. There is always excitement and anticipation. The farmer cultivates those fruits with care and patiently watches them grow. When they have ripened, everyone on the farm looks forward to tasting them.

In the eyes of God, we are those first fruits. God delights in us and is excited to see us change and grow.

God's word calls us into being. It is a word of truth, and it overcome all the lies and deceptions that can surround us.  We can easily follow the wrong advice and the wrong leader. God's word calls us back to focus on what is truly important and valuable.

We reject the shadows and the confusion and decide to follow the light. We become changed and transformed by the example and teachings of Jesus. A conversion happens within us. We have found peace.

We realize that it is not enough to just listen to the teachings of Jesus. We are called to fully embrace them and to put them into action as we become doers of the word.

That moment of realization becomes in us a new beginning. We know that God, the Mother and Father of Light, will always lead us as we try to work for justice and peace. 

We are called to become true disciples and to reach out to the most vulnerable and neglected in our midst. The first fruits are tasty indeed!

1. How do you feel when you realize that you are becoming the first fruits of God's creation?

2. What are some of the lies and deceptions with which you have had to contend?

3. Have you ever experienced a personal conversion in your life?

4. What does it mean for you to be a "doer of the word"?

5. How have you become a true disciple of Jesus?

6. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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