Friday, October 25, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Spiritual   Blindness
Calling   Begging   Receiving
I Want To See
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Mark 10:50 to 52

Bartimaeus put aside his cloak, jumped up, and came right to Jesus. 
Jesus said to him, "What do you want me to do for you?"
The blind man replied and said, "Master, I want to see."
Jesus told him, "Go on your way, your faith has saved you."
Right away he got his sight back and followed Jesus.


Have you ever thought how important your vision is? Most of us just take it for granted until there is a problem, and we have to get help.

However, in addition to our physical vision we also need a spiritual vision to guide us as we form our values. As easily as we can fall and trip with faulty vision, if our values are confused, we can be led astray. Just think of all the people who follow leaders and wind up in a cult because they are not clear on what they stand for.

That spiritual blindness can lead us to search for things that we think will make us happy but ultimately fail to satisfy. I can remember a conversation that I had with a man in his early thirties who was wondering why he wasn't happy even though he had a new car, a wonderful home, and a beautiful boat. He had accomplished much and thought that he was following the American Dream.

We all need to stop and reflect on what is truly important in our lives. For Bartimaeus it was the realization that he should follow Jesus. He followed the call that Jesus had placed in his heart.

He was not afraid to beg for help from Jesus. When he cried out, Jesus received his plea and responded to it. 

He wanted to see.

His faith in Jesus led him to see.

His cry for help is our cry today. We need the wisdom and vision of Jesus to guide us as well.

Will we ask for it as Bartimaeus did?

1. Do you take your vision for granted?

2. How important is spiritual vision for you?

3. What are your most important values?

4. How does your belief in Jesus guide you?

5. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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