Saturday, December 7, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Rejoicing   John
Peace   Forgiveness   Repentance
The Fulfillment Of Promises
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 3: 3 and 4

John went through the whole region around the Jordan, proclaiming a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins.

He talked about the fulfillment of the promise from the prophet of Isaiah:

"There will be a voice of one crying out in the desert. 'Prepare the way of the Lord. Make His paths straight.'"


In our passage from Luke, we encounter John the Baptist proclaiming a message of forgiveness and repentance. It is a message from many years ago but one that is so needed in our own day.

Forgiveness is such an essential part of our lives. Just think of the many mistakes you have made and the times you have had to apologize for an unkind action or a thoughtless word. We have to ask others to forgive us so that our relationships can be healed.

Repentance is equally important. We want to change our habits to become a better person. We have seen the harmful effects of our actions and want to make sure that we do not cause anyone pain or discomfort. We try to improve.

We do this in a spirit of rejoicing. We know that God is with us as we repent and grow to become kinder and more aware of the needs of others and less concerned about our own desires. We are joyful and happy because we are serving others and enriching their lives. We are spreading love. 

John points out that the one whom he is proclaiming will fulfill the promise that God communicated through the prophet Isaiah. The Lord is coming.

It is hard, however, for us to really see the Lord. We are blinded by our selfishness and greed. Our world is small, and our concerns narrow. We turn our back on those in need because they do not come from the right country or the right race. We feel superior to others and look down upon them. We do not see Jesus in them.

We need to prepare a way so that we can really see Jesus and embrace Him as we serve those who are in need. A Saviour has come among us. His path can go straight to our hearts or can be avoided as we wander in the wilderness of confusion and self-absorption.

A proclamation has been made. Jesus wants to share His Peace with us and lead us to joy. Can we overcome the distractions that surround us to truly listen to that proclamation?

1. How important do you think the message of forgiveness and repentance is for us today?

2. Why should our repentance be done in a spirit of rejoicing?

3. Do you find it challenging to overcome your blindness as you try to see the Lord in those around you?

4. How can you listen better to the proclamation of the Good News?

5. What do you feel as you ponder Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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