Saturday, December 21, 2024



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Mary   Elizabeth
Welcome   Blessed   Celebrate
Infant Leaped For Joy
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture: Luke 1:39 to 42

Mary travelled to see her cousin Elizabeth. When Elizabeth saw her and heard her greeting, the infant in her womb leapt for joy. 

Elizabeth was filled with the Holy Spirit and said, "You are most blessed among women and blessed is the fruit of your womb."


Have you ever had a visit with someone that really impacted you? Mary's visit to Elizabeth was that type of visit.

It's funny how things work out sometimes. Mary is going to help Elizabeth and Elizabeth's words affirm Mary and wind up giving her strength and confidence. 

Mary is in such a difficult situation. So confusing and unsettling for her. Imagine Mary trying to explain how she became pregnant to her family and friends! 

Elizabeth immediately calms her down and reassures her. This pregnancy is a blessing. It is a cause for celebration. Of all the women who could have borne the Messiah, Mary has been chosen. What an honor!

Elizabeth was given a sign of how great an honor it is. The baby within her, John the Baptist, was so excited to hear Mary's voice that he leapt for joy. This was not your typical movement within the womb. This baby made his feelings known.

Elizabeth and Mary are bearers of Good News. New life is coming into the world to bring light into the darkness of selfishness and indifference.

This Good News happens in extraordinary ways through Elizabeth and Mary. John the Baptist will prepare the way by encouraging repentance among the people. Jesus will bring us healing and salvation.

Good News indeed!

An amazing visitation. One that calls us to see the wonderful ways God can work in our lives when we take the time to look and to listen for the signs of wonder and blessing that surround us.

Come Lord Jesus!

1. Have you ever experienced a visit from someone that impacted you deeply?

2. When have you received news that made you leap for joy?

3. What are some of the ways that God has been working in your life?

4. How have you been blessed by God?

5. What do you feel as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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