Saturday, January 11, 2025



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Thunderous    Sound
Descended   Enveloped   Foretold
You're My Beloved Son
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 3:22

The voice of the Father came down from heaven,
"You are My Beloved Son.
With You I Am well pleased."


What is the voice that you have been responding to lately?

There are conflicting voices that we all hear at different times. Voices from outside of us and then competing voices from within.

Some of those voices tell us how bad we are. They point out our weaknesses and our failures. They let us know that we can never accomplish our goals. 

Athletes face this all the time. Especially after a bad game. There are times for a basketball player that the ball just doesn't go down the hoop or for a golfer when his ball can never find the hole. Critics can pile on. We can start to doubt our abilities.

Our inner voices need to be strong in times like this. We need to remind ourselves that we have had good games and that we can do this. We have to believe in ourselves.

Jesus, in our reading from Luke is facing a difficult time. He has been baptized by John and is now ready to begin His public ministry.

He faces difficult questions: is He ready for this? Will He be able to succeed? How does He begin to share the Good News? Will anyone follow Him?

Jesus was fully human. He faced the same doubts that we all encounter. Maybe more. His was such a challenging mission!

As Jesus was facing these questions and doubts, a voice came from heaven to reassure Him. It was a thunderous sound. I can just imagine the reaction from the people around Jesus. I'm sure it got everyone's attention!

As the voice descended, it enveloped Jesus and filled Him with power and strength. Jesus knew now that this was the right time to begin His public ministry. He had been preparing for this moment. Now was the time.

The prophets had prepared the way for Jesus. They had foretold that an Annointed One would come to the people and lead them to the Light. Those voices from the prophets would be honored and fulfilled in the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus.

The Voice from heaven, the Voice of the Father, told Jesus that He was the Beloved Son. Jesus faced the same dilemma in His human nature that we all face: am I loved?

We are taught from our earliest years that God loves us. It is hard for us to accept that Love. We think of how unworthy we are for God's Unconditional Love. We doubt.

The Father let Jesus know that He was loved and that the Father was well pleased with Him.

It was a Voice that Jesus needed to hear. It is a Voice that we all need to hear every moment of our lives.

We are made for Love.

We are deeply Loved.

We have to listen to that Voice.


1. What voices have you been listening to lately?

2. Why are our inner voices so important?

3. How do you think the Voice of the Father helped Jesus?

4. Is it hard for you to listen to the Voice of the Father that tells you that you are Loved?

5. What do you feel as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

Saturday, January 4, 2025



The Spiritual Waiting Room

New   Born
Following   Seeking   Manifesting
Guided By A Star
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Matthew 2:9b to 11a

The star that they had seen led them to the place where the child was.

They were full of joy when they saw the star.

When they went into the house where the child was, they saw the child and His mother, Mary.

They knelt down and paid Him homage.


In our reading from Matthew the Magi were searching for someone they felt was very important. They knew this person was special because the star indicated that there was something amazing happening. 

They were led to a child. This newborn child struck a deep chord in them. They had been following a star. They were seeking someone of distinction and importance. This child was manifesting a special light to them---just like the light that came from the star they had been following.

They had been guided by a star. They discovered an epiphany, a manifestation of a king. They knelt down to give homage to this king. 

We can just imagine the reactions of Mary and Joseph as they saw these three Magi kneeling down before Jesus. 

What led these Magi from the East to see a king in this humble setting? 

God was working in their lives through signs. They could have easily ignored the star. They could have been disappointed that the star led them to a child. 

They saw more. They felt that God was directing them to encounter a child who would make a difference for all of us. A child who would establish a Kingdom of Peace. A child who would show all of us the true meaning of Love.

What are some of the signs that you have been following? Do those signs lead you to recognize that Jesus is our King?

The signs are given.

The King is ready to embrace you.

Are you ready to follow the Star?

1. What stars have you been following lately?

2. Are there any signs that you have encountered that have led you to recognize Jesus as your King?

3. What do you see as you contemplate Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions from John J. McNamara)


  The Spiritual Waiting Room Voice Thunderous    Sound Descended   Enveloped   Foretold You're My Beloved Son Listen (Photo and poem by ...