Friday, January 24, 2025



The Spiritual Waiting Room

Isaiah     Prophecies
Enlightening   Promising   Completion
Scripture Passage Is Fulfilled
(Photo and poem by Kathy McNamara)

Scripture:   Luke 4:20 and 21

Rolling up the scroll of scripture, Jesus handed it back to the assistant and took a seat.
The attention of all who were there was focused on Him.
He said to them, "This scripture passage is fulfilled in your hearing."


We all like a good narrative. Especially one that captures our attention and gets us involved with the characters. In our video drama age, many of us like to binge a few episodes in a row. We watch a few and then we say, "Just one more!"

The prophet Isaiah speaks about a special narrative in the passage that Jesus reads in the synagogue. Someone will come who will bring liberty and healing and who will lift up the poor and the vulnerable.

It is a message of enlightenment for all, a message that brings hope to those who feel like they have been abandoned. Isaiah speaks about a promise that God has made. God wants to bring caring and kindness to all.

So many in our world need to hear that message. I think of all those who are suffering from the effects of war in our world today. People who have been displaced and have nowhere to go. 

Jesus has come to bring completion to the words of Isaiah. He knows the difficulties we all face. He wants to lead us to healing.

He tells the people in the synagogue who have turned their attention to Him that the scripture passage from Isaiah has been fulfilled in their hearing. You can just imagine their reaction: "Who does He think He is!"

Jesus is not afraid to share His narrative. It is Good News. Jesus has come to share the gift of salvation, the gift of healing, with all of us. 

It is a gift that Jesus asks us to share with each person we meet. We are challenged to make the narrative of Isaiah and the narrative of Jesus our own narrative.

The Narrator inspires us with His example of reaching out to those most in need. 

It's our time to live the narrative!

1. What are some narratives that you have binged on lately?

2. In your experience what are some of the most difficult situations people are facing today?

3. How would you describe the gift that Jesus wants to share with us today?

4. Do you find it challenging to share the narrative of Jesus?

5. How do you try to live the narrative of Jesus?

6. What do you see as you reflect on Kathy's photo?
(Scripture adaptation, reflection, and questions by John J. McNamara)

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